How to Brighten Your Personality to Realise Your Dreams?

Pages from my forthcoming book, ‘PowerPacked Personality’ for Your FREE reading!

 In your life, you alone are responsible for your success and status in society. So if you want to realize your dream, the first thing you have to is to describe it vividly. It should be so clear that you can see it closing your eyes. This is like defining where you want to go. Obviously, if you don’t know your destination, how will you reach there. That brings us to the most critical question in life which is that of Goals.

What are Goals?

Anything that we do in life, we spend our precious time and money must bring about desired results. But often it does not happen. Why? Do we always try to figure out the reasons? If not, then why not? Because our goals are not clear. Because our desire to achieve the results is not so strong.
So what should we do? Sit back and think that everything will be alright? Or, that our luck is bad? No!
We must clearly define what we want to achieve. Write these clearly on our diary/journal. Make it known to the friends, family members, peers wherever it is necessary. Particularly to our well wishers. When we make our goals known to others, we become more committed.
Then, we should create a strong desire within us to achieve our goals. We need to contemplate on these as often as possible. Further, we need to plan how to achieve our goals. Work out the plan and write it down. Spend some time, contribute something, however small, daily towards achievement of what you want to do in life. It is worth it. And, you will be surprised to find how effective this process is for achieving what you want.
Goals should be short-term, medium-term, and long-term. In other words, what you want to achieve in the current year, next five years, ten years, twenty years, etc. Never think about obscurity of the future and changing times. Instead think that I have the ‘right’ and possibility of modifying my goals as per the needs of the changing times.
Furthermore, you need to work about a practical plan to achieve each of your goals. This should be backed up with action, your genuine effort to follow the plan. Life will be a lot more meaningful when the goals are well-defined and the plan to achieve these is followed.

Types of Personal Goals:

Setting your goals defines significance of your life. Your self-esteem will go up surely if you passionately try to follow your goals. There are 7 different types of goals which need to be defined. It is not about money or career only.  Below are the 7 different types of goals which may be clearly defined and written. These are:

  1. Health Goals: Health is of prime importance, indeed. Yet many times it has been found that even common principles of maintaining good health are ignored. As per our scriptures a human is made to live about 100 years. When we look after our health properly we may live close to that age or even overstep it. But if we are not careful, life may shorten to any extent. If you love your life and want to live longer, set your health goals. Also prepare and follow the plan to lead a healthy life.
  2. Career Goals: Career goals are undoubtedly extremely important. Any educated individual would like to progress in the career he/she is pursuing. But often it is only a wish. The best thing to do is to write down specifically what you want to achieve. This may mean – define the position and also define the timeline.
  3. Financial Goals: Though finance and career are closely connected, yet it is necessary to specify separately your financial goals. Again, these should be time bound according to your needs, your family requirements and your social obligations. If necessary, consult a financial adviser and then carve out your own plan.
  4. Family Goals: We all want to lead a happy family life- within our own nuclear family, extended family and relatives. Even today there are examples of joint families living together happily. Maintaining good relations require you to be proficient in interpersonal skills. It’s necessary to use discretion in speech even with your spouse, children, parents etc. Not only the words but the way how you speak is important. When you have set your goals you have greater chances to keep on improving in this direction.
  5. Social Goals: Everyone would like to be a respected member of the society. Whether it is neighborhood or a club, or an association, you would like to build up your reputation. This can be achieved with necessary efforts provided you have stated your specific goals.
  6. Hobby Goals: It is recommended that everyone must pursue at least one hobby. It’s investing in an activity for your own self. Music, theater, dance, painting is example of common hobbies. But it could also be collecting stamps, artifacts, antiques etc. Just as per your fancy, follow a hobby.
  7. Spiritual Goals: Last but not the least; we should define the spiritual goals. We all know that we don’t have to live on this earth forever. During stay here often we may think about how we like to be remembered. Think about how we should face the eternal force of which know very little. That is why people follow their own religion, which should be a united force. Religion helps to maintain our peace of mind. So we must note down our specific spiritual goals.

All the above goals are meaningless unless we write these down, make a plan to pursue each goal and execute that plan. The goals may be reviewed and modified as per the requirements of changing times.

Setting Your Goals:

Just imagine a football playground without goals. How can anyone play the match in the absence of goals on both sides? Unless there is a target what can you shoot at? Unless the teacher explains what kind of questions he is likely to face in the examination, how can the student prepare? Likewise, it’s not possible to achieve anything worthwhile without specifying your personal goals.  If you gave the archer a target and challenged him to hit the bull’s eye, the challenge motivates the shooter and makes him/her to do their best. You have to give anyone something to aim at, something to challenge his skills. Further, there must be defined parameters to measure the progress. That motivates a person, creates an interest which can sustain action and hard work.
That’s what a goal does to a person’s life, it motivates the person to achieve something worthwhile, something he or she desires. That brings about a big change in the attitude.  Every one is endowed with a precious gift of life, it’s our duty to make best use of it. You were given a life and you’ve been told ever since to, “live it.
Everybody in this world has a different set of circumstances, different set of skills, and a different set of opportunities through which they can interact with the world and find their unique sense of fulfillment.  You’re mission in life should be to figure out what your unique, “sets” are and how you can take action to best capitalize on them that gives all of your effort purpose and meaning.  Goals are the guiding light that get you there.
Take your time reading through the quotes below and the notes/remarks that follow. Think about these and reflect to work out what are your objectives. The exercise will help you specify what your goals should be as per your needs and desire. Since goals must be written as clearly as possible, it will also help you to make these articulate in your mind so that you can put it on paper clearly. Unless the goals are written in detail, these remain your wishes which have little meaning. Timeline is also critical in purposeful goal setting.

  1. “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” ~ Zig Ziglar
  2. “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” ~ Jim Rohn
  3. “It’s better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of the one you don’t.” ~ Stephen Kellogg
  4. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” ~ Jim Rohn
  5. “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.” ~ Orison Swett Marden
  6. “The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” ~ Michelangelo
  7. “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.” ~ J.C. Penney
  8. “Intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you.” ~ Andy Andrews
  9. “I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.” ~ Og Mandino
  10. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” ~ Pablo Picasso
  11. “If you raise your standards but don’t really believe you can meet them, you’ve already sabotaged yourself. You won’t even try; you’ll be lacking the sense of certainty that allows you to tap the deepest capacity that’s within you… Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, what’s possible and impossible and what we can and can not do. They shape every action, every thought and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives.” ~ Anthony Robbins
  12.  “My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we always win out.” ~ Ronald Reagan

 Now it should be easy to specifically write down your goals. Take following steps:
Step One: Write down in clear terms what do you want to do.
 Step Two: Think many times to be sure of what you are thinking at the moment is really what you want.
 Step Three: Write down in specific terms what you have decided after thinking it over.
 Step Four: Check if your Goal are SMART where S stands for specific, M stands for measureable, A stands for achievable, R stands for ready, and T stands for time bound.
 In the following chapter you will understand how to make a plan to achieve your goals and the steps you need to take to implement the plan. At times, you may face some hurdles. What action you must take then is also explained.
 To be continued…

Voice Modulation

Voice modulation is necessary for making your speech interesting. If someone is speaking without modulating his/her voice, they will sound like people who are not concerned whither you listen to them or not Voice modulation makes your listeners listen to you.
What is voice modulation? And how do we imbibe voice modulation techniques in our personality? These and various other aspects of voice modulation form an integral part of our unique voice modulation and public speaking course.


First of all let us understand the meaning of Voice modulation. The dictionary meaning of the word ‘modulation’ when referred to voice implies, regulating the voice as per requirement of your speech. Thus, you must bring in change in pace, pause and pitch while speaking. Without modulation, your speech will be flat and monotonous. Further, you must also change the emphasis on the keyword and the tone to improve the efficacy of your speech.

Objectives of Voice Modulation:

The following 3 objectives are Critical. 1) To enable the listener to understand you fully. 2) To enable you to express your ideas effectively. 3) To ensure that you are not repetitive or verbose. There would be many more benefits of voice modulation, but these 3 must be remembered so that you will always try to bring about a well modulated speech. During one on one conversation as well as speaking to a group or even speaking in public.

Techniques of voice modulation:

Speech is a matter of habit. Habits change very hard. Therefore, unless we use highly effective techniques of voice modulation, the results will be for from satisfactory. Through various innovative modulation exercises we train our students to learn these techniques. Repetitive process enable the trainees to imbibe voice modulation practice in their day to day speech.

 Who should practice Voice Modulation?

The one word answer to the question is: ‘Everybody’. Because everyone wants to express himself/herself clearly. Everyone wants that people should be impressed by their well modulated speech. Because everybody wants views. Thus voice modulation is vital for public speakers, those who want to make presentations and all those who want to succeed in influencing people.
Thanks for reading.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 26

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought 4TheDay (27.10.2017)

The world that we live in is, in fact, an illusion. This is transient. Whatever we do with intention of acquiring material objects do give some please, but it is momentary. Besides, it is likely to trigger a desire to secure more. The snowballing effect leads to the formation of greed which is the beginning of the end of peace and happiness.
But the wise with his understanding just acts as a witness to whatever happens. He doesn’t get emotionally involved, so his peace is never at stake.
Thought4TheDay (26.10.2017)

Bhagwan Shree Krishna said, ” For the person who is unable to control his mind, yoga is unachievable, but the person who has controlled his mind can surely progress towards becoming a yogi. He can do it with consistent efforts and constant practice. This is My considered opinion.”
Focus, concentration and discipline are great qualities an individual can, and should acquire. These will eradicate procrastination and distraction which are largely responsible for the wilderness of mind. When the mind is totally uncontrollable, it ultimately brings frustration. Mind can never be controlled by the procrastinators. Procrastination reduces the productivity of the victim disappointedly. Besides, it has a snowballing effect. Self esteem goes down and the person loses all respect for himself. A person who doesn’t respect himself cannot earn respect from others.
One must have specific goals. When we wholeheartedly work to achieve our goals, we start respecting ourselves. It gives us impetus to work harder. We make further progress. That strengthens our will power to persevere. Discipline is the natural outcome outcome of consistent hard work. Discipline enables us to make pursuit of excellence our habit.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 25

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (25.10.2017)

Lord Krishna said, ” The person whose emotions are fully controlled by wisdom and science, who has conquered his senses and for whom dust, stone or gold are all alike; it is said that such a seeker, a yogi has discovered his self. In other words, he has realised God.”
” He is the greatest among human beings. He is unselfish and interested in the good of everyone. He does not distinguish between a friend and a foe. He treats alike the virtuous and the sinners.”
Such a person will not have any prejudice against anyone. He will have an open mind and will listen to people to understand and not only to reply them. He follows the principle: first understand and then be understood. He does not take anything for granted. Like a devoted scientist, he keeps on studying the cause and effect. He treats acquiring knowledge and achieving wisdom as the ultimate goal of life. He can never be stressful. He is happy and always at peace with himself.
Thought4TheDay (24.10.2017)

“The person who does not brood over worldly pleasures; who shuts out all trivial thoughts; who fixes his gaze between the eyebrows of his forehead starts regulating his breath meditates with the objective of controlling his mind. He breaths in and out equally. Through meditation he is able to control his mind. He contemplates on My form, My being. He becomes free from all desires. He overpowers anger. All his fears vanish away. In fact, he achieves and experiences true freedom,” thus explained the Lord to Arjuna.
Meditation helps an individual to remain self aware at all times. He/she doesn’t loose track of direction. The life’s big picture, the significance and their goals keep such people motivated. Distractions of any kind do not disturb their vision. They remain wedded to the performance of their duty. Their positive attitude helps them to become stable minded. Truly, they pursue their noble goals and remaining satisfied with life, they happily go through the journey of this life.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 24

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (23.10.2017)

The core message of The Bhagavad Gita is that everyone should perform his/her duty to the best of ability. The singular dictum can regulate the life of the human being if the meaning of duty is properly understood.
The first duty of the individual is to his own self. He/she must ensure and take all possible steps to maintain good mental and physical health. It is not being selfish or self-centred. It’s developing ability to work in the service of the Lord Almighty. One has to contribute to the progress and growth of humanity as these efforts as to be construed as the true worship.
The next duty of the individuals is to work and establish their loyalty to the employer if you are working for someone. But if you are an entrepreneur, it’s your duty to do your best for the wellbeing and progress of your enterprise and the people who man your establishment.
It’s your duty to look after your family, your parents, spouse and children. All your work need to conform to the needs of the nation, state and community to which you belong.
Thought4TheDay (22.10.2017)

Lord Krishna said, “Arjuna, whenever religion suffers a setback and sins excel, I assume the form of a living being and appear before mankind.”
“I appear from time to time, for the help and progress of the virtuous and deserving people, and for the destruction of the wicked and sinners. Objective is to safeguard religion and righteousness.”
“My birth and my deeds are divine, pure and transcendental. The person who understands and realises this truth does not take birth after death. Instead, he assumes My form and becomes a part of Me.” History testifies that the pendulum oscillates between the good and the evil. But there is no specific rhythm. Be a witness to whatever is happening around. Expect the unexpected and remain calm and composed. It’s possible when we perform our duty stretching ourselves and covering an extra mile for the growth and progress of humanity.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 23

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (21.10.2017)
Lord Almighty said,”I am present in all living beings, with uniform existence. No one is dear to me more than anyone else, nor do I hate anyone. But those who worship Me with love and devotion; they reside in Me and I live in their hearts.”
“Even if a dire sinner worships me sincerely, he is worthy of being known as a sage. I consider him as a decisive person, who has carefully realised that there is nothing as good as the worship of the Almighty.”
Again and again the Lord has repeated that He is present in everyone. So, what is the definition of worship? What does He mean when He says….”even if a dire sinner worships Almighty?” In fact, it is the realisation that working in the interest of humanity is the most significant devotion, one can offer. So, any endeavour dedicated to the service of humanity is nothing short of worship to the Lord Almighty. Surely, this message would give a direction to everyone about where to go and how to live?
Arjuna asks Lord Krishna, “What are the qualities of a person who becomes ‘sthirbudhi’ who is steady and resolute? How does he speak? How does he sit? How does he walk?”
Lord Krishna: “Arjuna, when a person renounces all his desires;when he finds peace and solace in his own soul and remains satisfied; he is known to have acquired ‘sthirbudhi’. He becomes steady and resolute.”
“When a person is not disturbed by the onslaught of sorrow; when he no longer keenly desires tempting pleasures and when he has conquered attachment, fear and anger, he is known to have secured ‘sthirbudhi’.”
In the highly competitive, fast paced and disruptive world today, one needs ‘sthirbudhi’ more than ever before to be at peace and maintain work life balance in life. Please comment, add and share with friends.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 22

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (19.10.2019)
Lord Krishna says to Arjuna, “The person who has conquered his self, his senses and his body, and has given up all objects of worldly pleasures; such a person, without his dependence on hopes of any kind, can carry out his normal duties and perform all his work utilising his body and senses and yet remain free from sin of any kind.”
He accepts with joy whatever he receives, because he is not bound by his desire nor hankers after worldly objects. The person who has freed himself of ego, envy or jealousy of any kind, and who transcends the effects of pleasure or pain, remains calm and composed in success or failure. Such a person remains free from attachment. He continues to perform his duty with joy.”
When we understand and contemplate on these words of Lord Almighty, we find the futility of attachment with the result of our efforts. It does not mean that our efforts are affected by the lack of interest. It only means that we put our mind and soul in performance of our duty, without our anxiety about the results. We achieve the best what is possible. That is progress. That is growth. And, that is the real prosperity.
Thought4TheDay (18.10.2017)
Lord Krishna says, ” Arjuna, the ignorant people do not understand My prime attribute and consider Me like other ordinary human beings. Even though I attain the human form and wander amongst worldly life, I do so only for the benefit of human society. Yet they inadvertently consider Me the Almighty, as any other common human being.”
“These people are engaged in futile actions and nurture unproductive knowledge. In fact, these are the people who have limited intellect and assume ‘rakshasi’, ‘asuri’ or ‘ Mohini’ Prakriti’ (lower category of human character).”
“But Arjuna, the great souls assume ‘devi’ Prakriti (divine nature) and they understand Me as the endless cause of all living beings. They consider Me alone as the immortal and beyond destruction. They worship Me whole heartedly.”
It’s only when we realise the presence of Lord Almighty in all things and everywhere that we maintain the right path. We are not lost in bewilderment which abounds in this illusionary world. We realise our significance of life and we contribute to the progress and growth of human society.
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Good Writing Skills

Blogs constitute the first step in making of an author, today. There never was a time when so many aspirant authors were seen to find their space. Further, if your blogs become popular, the chances are strong that when you write a book the same will also be widely accepted. That will motivate you to write more and try to become author of a bestselling book. The popularity of eBooks may have hurt the traditional book business, but more books are being written than ever before.
But that is only one of the many advantages of writing blogs.
The more commonly in use is the benefit of improving your writing skills in general. It will improve your vocabulary, your sentence construction and remove problems of syntax. Clarity of expression also improves your credibility as well as your productivity.
I am reproducing a document which I found on the net. It is very inspiring. The title of the document is:
The Importance of Good Writing Skills in the Workplace
Obviously good writing skills are important when your job involves writing, be it as a journalist, paralegal or public relations professional – that goes without saying. If you are employed for your writing skills, having “good” writing skills is a job requirement. However, more professions require good writing skills than those traditionally associated with writing. Any time a profession requires written communication, writing skills become important.
With emails, notes, letters, texts and Tweets, most people spend a fair amount of time at work communicating via the written word. Whether you are messaging a colleague, writing to your manager, or crafting the company newsletter, your writing skills can boost or hinder your career easily, even if you do not have a “writing” profession. Basically, writing skills make a difference in how you come across.
People with good writing skills are generally seen as more credible. Think to yourself how you would interpret an email from a colleague that was filled with typos and grammatical errors. At best, he was negligent in that he didn’t proofread his message or use spell check; at worst, he comes across as less intelligent and less capable. Better writers tend to get higher grades and be perceived as more competent and more intelligent than their less literary counterparts.
In the workplace, you need to make sure that you proofread everything you write, from an email to a company memo. However, just because good writing skills are a plus, you still need to pick your battles. Correcting others can work against you, in some cases even undermining you. Further, context and tone are just as important as grammar. While obvious mistakes are a no-no, such as using “their” and “they’re” incorrectly, smaller errors, like confusing “who” and “whom” are less important.
Importance of Good Business Writing Skills
Learning and honing business writing skills can have a positive impact on an individual’s career advancement. Effective channels of communication make an organization run smoothly. Professional quality writing being sent through these channels improves productivity and the ability of all functional areas to work together, particularly in an increasingly global workplace where collaboration is the norm.
Sales and marketing professionals are particularly skilled at using the written word to persuade customers to purchase the company’s products and services–or at least pay attention to its advertisements. But everyone in the business world finds it necessary at times to persuade someone else to take an action based on written material they have sent. The chief financial officer of a company makes written recommendations to the chief executive officer about expenditures. Human Resources tries to make a written case for hiring a particular individual to the manager to whom the person will report.
Clarity in writing is one of the most difficult skills to master. Word choice comes more easily for some businesspeople than for others. Venture capitalists sometimes receive business plans that are so unclear it is difficult for them to tell what business the company is in. Presumably, expressing it clearly on paper proved too difficult for them.
Professional Courtesy
In this age of text messaging, business communication increasingly comes in a shorthand fashion. Even email has a much less formal style in many companies than a letter. Taken to an extreme, this type of writing can seem lazy. If communication becomes too abrupt, it can send a message that the person receiving the message was not important enough for the sender to take the time to communicate in complete sentences or check spelling and grammar. Conversely, a carefully written email can be more impressive than a letter because it has the added element of rapid transmission–the other person was so important that the sender wanted to make sure the message arrived quickly.
Business communication can be ineffective if a document does not completely express its intention. An instruction manual on how to operate machinery, for example, must not have gaps in the sequence of steps or the how-to explanations. The result of incomplete information could be failure to run the machine properly or even cause injury to the equipment operator. A financial report that has the quality of completeness would be one that answers the reader’s questions before he has time to ask them.
Inspiring Confidence
Supervisors and business associates who express themselves well in writing inspire a feeling of confidence in their abilities from employees or colleagues. Sharp writing conveys the impression that a sharp mind composed the words. Sloppy writing, on the other hand, can make others conclude that the creator is not intelligent. Some might even question their job-related competence.
Team Building
Written communication to employees is one way a company shows that it values their contribution and appreciates their efforts. Subtle but strong bonds of teamwork can be built through simple means such as sharing company-wide accomplishments — sales milestones, for example — with everyone in the organization. The tone of the communication is particularly important. If it is energetic and positive, the employees will respond to it in an equally positive fashion.”
Hope you find it very useful for not only writing blogs but also for enhancing your expression in general.
Thanks for reading.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 21

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (17.10.2017)

Lord Krishna says, “Arjuna, I am the pure smell of the earth, the heat and energy of fire, life in all living beings, and the devotion and penance of all seekers.” “I am the immortal seed of life on Earth. I am the wisdom of the wise and I am the divinity of the divine.”
“I am the power and the ability, without attachment or ego of the powerful. In all living beings, the presence of Kama or the sexual desire as laid down in the scriptures is also Me.”
The power and force behind all progress is the embodiment of the Lord Almighty. Therefore, excellence in any worldly activity is not possible without His grace. This knowledge inspires us to pursue perfection in performance of our duty, as the force behind the pursuit is also created by Him. All achievements, material or spiritual, realised in an effort for the upliftment of the society and growth of human values constitute our service and devotion to the Lord Almighty. Thus, there is no time to loose.
Thought4TheDay (16.10.2017)

The Lord Almighty says, “Arjuna, once you understand the advice given to you by the wise, you will no longer get into the fits of attachment and emotions. You will first understand yourself and then observe My presence in everything, everywhere.” “Even if you are a sinner, you will cross over the sea of sins with the help of the boat created by knowledge and wisdom. All your sins will die out.”
“Because, Arjuna, just as the raging fire burns away the entire fuel, the fire of wisdom will burn away all your ill actions and the effects thereof.”
That is the importance and result of pursuit of knowledge and imbibing wisdom in your being. If we look back, each one of us may have been involved in such actions as our conscience would not have allowed, but emotions were too strong to be stopped by the conscience. So, what is the remedy? The strong desire for the pursuit of knowledge and perseverance to acquire it. Propagating knowledge is the best service to humanity, the Lord Almighty.
Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 20

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (15.10.2017)
There are innumerable benefits of reading The Bhagavad Gita daily. The most significant of these is that it inspires us to love our jobs. We get committed to performance of our duty.
Today, let’s recall what great people throughout the world have said about The Bhagavad Gita, and also how the thoughts propounded in the great book of knowledge are reflected in what these great men say and/or do:
Albert Einstein: “When I read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect about how Good created this universe everything else seems so superfluous.”
Aldous Huxley: ” The Bhagavad Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind…” Comments of others as below:
Thought4TheDay (14.10.2017)
Benefits of reading The Bhagavad Gita Yesterday, I had talked about the first two benefits: that it enhances courage and that we are inspired to pursue knowledge. Now, further:
3. Listening Skills. The entire dialogue between the Lord Almighty and Arjuna makes us understand the importance of listening skills. Most people,today, listen to reply. In the process the moment we find that we strongly differ from what the speaker has said, we stop listening and further. We wait for him/her to stop so that we can express ourselves and prove how wrong they are and how right is the opinion we hold. We find from the great book of knowledge that Arjuna is ignorant of many things which are explained to him. But he carefully listens and then asks such questions which are most relevant for properly understanding what has been said. Many management Gurus rightly say that importance of listening cannot be exaggerated.
2. Emotional Intelligence. The reading helps develop our emotional intelligence. In the beginning of the book, we find that Arjuna is very in this vital human quality. That’s why he tells Lord Krishna that he will not fight. But as the dialogue proceeds, we find Arjuna’s emotional intelligence develop. (to be continued)
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