7 Reasons for Respecting Others


  1. Respect is a key element for creating a good bond between people, whether it is family, friends, work zone or any other surrounding.
  2. One of the best ways to respect is to listen. Listen to what the person is trying to say. First listen, then understand, then say something if you have something to say. Listen to understand, not to reply. Sometimes, you may not understand what that person is trying to say or express. But respecting them by listening to their words might be excellent for them. It may not be anything to you, but for them it could be everything.
  3. We owe respect and give love. If someone has done something nice to us, then we owe them respect. We need to thanks them. But love is without expectation.
  4. If you have done something good, then you need not beg for respect and compromise your dignity. Remember, respect is for those who deserve it, not those who demand it.
  5. Show respect to people who don’t deserve it, not as their character’s reflection but of yours. Show them how you treat them.
  6. Sometimes, the way people treat you is your own reflection. They just show us the mirror. So, treat them the way you want them to treat you. It’s a give and take business. Give respect earn respect.
  7. But, is respecting others the only thing? The answer is – NO. While respecting others, you have to create respect for yourself. First respect yourself. The person who doesn’t respect himself can’t expect respect from others. The famous scientist Albert Einstein has once said, “Everyone should be respected as an individual, but no one idolized.”

Thanks for reading.

Negotiation Skills

Hi, today I will talk to you about Negotiation Skills. What is negotiation? How does it work? What is the need? I will try to answer all these and other related questions in a simple manner.
Whenever two or more parties sit together to resolve certain issues concerning them, negotiation come into play. Discussion could be about resolving some dispute, concluding a sale or even influencing some people or a group to get some ideas accepted.
Now, let’s see the possibility of success of negotiation. Success depends primarily on three aspects. These are:

  1. Issue should be negotiable. We can negotiate buying or selling a car, or a piece of land or house. But no negotiation is possible on for your example child, or for that matter any other object with which either party is emotionally attached.
  2. Second factor is the willingness of the parties to accommodate and compromise. Extremely rigid attitude cannot bring about any success is negotiation.
  3. Next, third factor for successful negotiation is that the parties must have some respect, some trust among them. This, acts like a bridge and negotiation can achieve some success. It can resolve some problems.

Having described the factors for success of negotiation, I should now talk about the basic ingredients. What are the requirements of negotiation? These are:

  1. Knowledge of human behavior. Negotiating parties need to conversant with normal human behavior. How do they react to the conflicting views?
  2. Secondly, the negotiators must prepare themselves for discussions. They must collect all the relevant information regarding the issues. Preparation is a must.
  3. Third requirement and lastly is that negotiators must understand the role of assumptions. We all harbor certain due to experience of life and society. The negotiators must reflect to clearly understand these assumptions. Undoubtedly, they play an important role during negotiation.

Then, we come to the next aspect of negotiation.
The techniques which are:
Strategy or the plan & techniques

  1. Strategy: the negotiating parties work out their strategy. It’s like an army general working out plan with his lieutenants. Each step is defined keeping in view the strategy of the opponents.
  2. Tactics: the negotiators must be adept in devising required tactics. Tactics are maneuvers, which the negotiators adopt during discussions. This is particularly important as at time the strategy may not work. Tactics require the negotiators to be adept, alert and creative in modifying the steps on the spot when needed.

Thank you.

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