Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are critical in meetings whether it is one to one or in a group. After the pandemic because personal meetings have substantially reduced, the amount of virtual meetings have become even more important. While using the virtual conferencing platforms, like Zoom, Cisco Webex, Google Meets, etc , we can see each other. If we are addressing an audience, we can still have a really fair idea of the body language of people. In such a case it is hard to understand the facial expressions, but the applications are such that when two persons are talking to each other, both come to the center of the virtual meetings hall where they can see each other and understand each other’s facial expressions. In such case the audience can also see the speakers and judge the person’ s facial expressions.

It is important to note that your facial expressions communicate ypur feelings and emotions. Thus you are in a position  to understand what is not said, but what is going inside the mind of the speaker. The muscles around the eyes, forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, jaws and lips make such movements which can easily be identified when you are very careful.

Gaze is another important aspect of body language. The gazing can be done intermittently for a very short duration or it can be for a longer times. People use the gaze technique in a wide variety of ways. Lovers gazes into each other eyes  to express their love. Men express their  dominance with extended gaze. In most cases however your gazing, will be limited by the cultural and social norms of the place that you inhabit.

Using gaze to communicate with those around you in a properly  used pattern of behavior. Even speakers addressing form the stage can use gaze to reassure people that he / she is talking to everybody in the hall. Of course it requires a lot of experience. But it is seen easy way to connect with the audience.

The experience                of touc, much of the warmth and affections that the child receives from the elders is based on expressions of touch. The older people would caress, pat,etc to express there fondmness towards the children. However touch is not limited to that, even the world leaders when they meet each other they express their friendliness and warmth with handshakes, embraces and patting on the shoulders. This can happen when you first meet somebody. But this can also take place during your conversation.

Space is another aspect of communication, which one has to understand clearly. The way you position yourself in the space, when you are meeting important people expresses you desire to meet. Often other times it refers to the confidence to reach out to people.

Posture si not to be undermined. In  fact the elegance that you can portrays, depends largely on your posture. The way you sit, the way you stand, the way you walk, theposture when you  are having a close communication,  or the posture when you are having a formal communication, your posture must be proper. Appearance is the first noticeable thing when you first meet and greet somebody. It states about your personality, your self personality respect or your self esteem and the way you respect others. It talso tells other how careful you are about your clothes, your dress about grooming in general which includes how you smile.   

Blog is written by Vikram.                                  

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