How can we effectively explain anything:

The act of explaining anything is the key component at workplace communication. The ways and also the means in which explaining does happen are very important skills which executives must understand as well as practice.

The What and Why of Explanations?

We will describe in detail the various facets of explaination is very important. In fact explanation is the most commonly used process. Besides it is a very versatile one. To give examples, you explain opinions, you describe facts, you explain theories as well as hypothesis or conclusions and deductions.

To give further examples why will, does or did something happen. It could be also about how will does or did something happen or even it could be when or where will did or does something happens. The people that study will always tell us that explanation does have a number of things in common. The common features are:

  1. Statements based on a logical such as because of this, so therefore  we have come to a particular conclusion.
  2. Using words and phrase referring to a cause and effect relationships such as them as a consequence, so then etc.
  3. Statements about relationships about the words like first, then, following and finally. The language you use often adopts or uses the present tense such as are turns or happens. It could also be for action related words like fully, rises or changes; also even for non – human participants such as the computers, the sea or the environment. Further the conjunctions like when, then or first are also used in the explanations.
  4. Explanations also uses general nouns like boats, birds and passive statements such as a saturated are changed or pronouns such as they and there. Despite all the complexities, the Explainations are a ommonly used way of communication.

Definitions OF Explaining

With the above background, we would like to define explaining as the way to smoothen out. Iron out, take out the roughness, from or to open out, unfold, spread out or flat out a material object or to make plainly visible or to display. The definitions that we generate for ourselves Is that you can directly link the process of communication.  A description of an event, process or a state of affairs that attempts to illuminates make clear its causes , content and consequences.

Ways and Means OF Explaining:

Explaining at the core is an explanation which can  either be: Written language or spoken language with non-verbal communication and body language or both of above. However it is not an either / or situation as you ca gives an explanation in the form of a letter or a report and then support the same with spoken words or written communication.              

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