The Role Of Persuasion in any organization

Organization persuasion is a particular important. It is the duty of the leader to understand the attitude and conduct of his or her leaders. This should motivate the leaders to do whatever should be done, so that personal tendencies are set aside and the thoughts and actions of the teams are fully aligned to the company’s vision as well as objectives.

Apart from the employees the organization has to deal with various outside agencies. These could be regularity authorities, investment broker, bankers, venders, etc. Of course the customers and the employees come first. As has been said above the structure of the organization should be such that efforts to achieve the organization’s goal should be absolute. The importance of structure of the organization can never be undermined.

The organization needs security. The organization also needs loyalty of the customers and the employees; Often these could be some conflicts of interest, which the organization must identify and then must iron them out sooner than later. Everyday working life of our people needs to be considered very sympathetically. Employees continuously working under tension can never  give there optimal performance. If an organization is insensitive of the organization is not such that the employees see there goals fully aligned with the golas of the organization, it is therefore a series flaw.

Thus having a structure in place, in managers who act as an agent of the management, to tactfully use his or her skill to encourage the change in your attitude. There could be three different aspects of the working life of the employees.

  1. The rewards that employees work for.
  2. The value that you place on the organizational goals.
  3. The compatability of your goals and needs with those of the organization. The persuasion takes place primarily and not exclusively from the organization to the employees.

Money is undoubtedly the most important motivation. However it is not  only motivation. However it is not the only motivation, for example the people with high self esteem would not like to work that does not give response or recognition to the efforts and work done by them. They would rather except smaller salaries where the find they are an integral part of the organization. In such situation the employees recognize and start feeling that the organization belongs to them. This sense of belonging motivates them to put there very best. The managers and the structure of the organization both can contribute to such a happy situation.

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