2 Faces of the same coin – Jealousy

A soap opera telecasted on a South Korean TV channel called “Jealous Incarnate” depicts that jealousy is a part and parcel of human personality. Yes, jealousy is interconnected with the human emotions, thoughts and feelings and it occurs due to insecurity, fear, concern, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of status or something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection. In short, the resentment against rival success is called jealousy.
Many people fall prey to this negative emotion. A recent study shows that insecurity and inferiority complex is the main aspect behind jealousy. And person who suffers with these feelings tends to have jealousy.
Jealousy has two faces. The first face is that you are jealous of somebody and the second face is that you are getting disturbed just because someone else is jealous of you. In both the cases, analysis of the problem is required. Let’s now witness the opinions stated by certain individuals regarding jealousy.
Quotes on jealousy  
As expressed by some individuals “ Jealousy indicates the lack of self-confidence in oneself”. As it is already stated above “It is a kind of hatred built upon insecurity”. “When you develop a hatred for a person, then they possess something which you are in need of. If a person hates you then you possess something which they are in need of” is a definition given by another set of individuals for jealousy.
There’s another saying which goes like this “Never hate a person who is jealous of you instead respect their jealousy towards you because they are the ones who consider you better than themselves”. But it isn’t quite agreeable that one should respect the jealousy shown on them because out of jealousy the person can execute something that is harmful. Therefore you need to have an eye on your interest.
There was a movie last back in 70’s titled “Blow Hot Blow Cold”. The story isn’t important but the climax matters. The climax was set in an idyllic natural background in which there were 2 couples. One couple was young and the other one was middle aged. The young couple were passionately making love and at that point of time the middle aged man is shown to be extremely jealous. And in the climax the middle aged man kills the young man due to jealousy. Hence, jealousy can go to the extent of committing a crime. Therefore, we cannot afford to forgive or forget the people who are jealous and it is advisable to be cautious about them.
Some people say “I don’t give people a reason to hate me, but they create their own drama out of jealousy”. This is absolutely true. Even though you aren’t in a need to attract the jealousy of the people around you, still there are people jealous of you. There is a low-key comment given by individuals on jealousy “Never flaunt anything. You are giving a reason for others to get jealousy.”
As it is explained above we cannot respect the person who is jealous and we have to be watchful over them. Likewise, it isn’t logical how a person can be unhappy and unsatisfied in their life that they have to illustrate a drama just to get noticed among the crowd. Yes, it’s very true that many people are unhappy in their life and it’s due to various reasons. Consequently, they find out an exhaust. They vent out there bottled-up feelings and suffer from jealousy.
The next set of individuals, are those who were close to you once upon a time have now become just invert strangers. For example, there are two friends. Whereas one becomes rich and feels below his dignity to approach his poor friend and acts like he doesn’t recognize him. And even if they pass on the same ground and face each other, they will pose as though they haven’t met each other in their
lifetime. This is so true and everybody would have come across this situation atlaest once in a lifetime.
Another group of people are the people who are intimidated by you. Hence they start badmouthing about you with an expectation that others don’t find you appealing. Yes, they don’t wish the other people or the common friends, associates or relatives to like you. So, therefore they badmouth you in whatever way possible.
Jealousy is indeed the worst characteristic in any person but the fact is that every human at one point of time experience jealousy. Jealousy may create problems or conflicts for the people on whom they are jealous with. You may not be jealous of others but on the other side you shouldn’t show magnanimity simply to please others so that they don’t create any harm to you. Instead you need to
find your own ways to guard yourself and be cautious.
Jealousy is a disease. If it has infected you, then get well soon!!
Thanks of Reading.

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