The Meaning and Process of creative decision making

The concept of creativity states that creativity means that you create something different, that will hep in solving a particular problem.

The importance of creativity is that it always improves the capacity of a person who takes some or the other decision. It is always very important that the way you deal with the problem in a very different and a very creative way that will help you develop your decision making skills. As the one single problem, does not have one particular solution, creativity will always help to generate new and different ideas to solve the particular problem.  Some particular steps are stated below to help people in improving there decision making skills.

  1. Always there must have been a very conventional way of solving a particular problem. So people must think out of the box as sometimes the old and conventional way of solving a particular problem does not usually always work.
  • There are many different problems and they are always very diverse in nature. Therefore different questions that pertain to the particular problem must be made and also they must be answered in a very creative way.
  • Many different things are usually taken for granted. So it is very important that no fact of the particular problem is taken for granted.  All the concepts of the problem must be dealt very carefully.
  • There is always a scope of development and also improvement.  So to stay up to date with what is happening in the present world, the managers of organizations must upgrade themselves from the old and very traditional ways to more modern mode of communications which would help you solve the problem in a much more creative way.
  • The firms must never fear of the initial shortcomings and failures. It is because all the initial failures and shortcomings that occur are usually the stepping stones for success.

The Creative Decision Making Process:

The process of creative decision making has the following steps:

  1. Convergent Thinking: There must be convergent thinking among all of the people who work in a team. Convergent thinking means that all the thoughts of solving particular problem must be focused on the problem only.  
  • Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking basically means that you analyse the particular issue in a variety of ways. Here people find out different alternatives of solving particular issue and the best alternative becomes the creative solution of the particular problem.

Therefore the companies must encourage out of the box thinking which will actually come of great help to the company when the company is in some dire crises. So creative decision making must be encouraged by a lot of the company executives.

Blog is written By Vikram Kakri.

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