The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (Dec. 23, 2017)
The Mirror of This World
Every particle of the world is a mirror,
In each atom lies the blazing light
of a thousand suns.
Cleave the heart of a raindrop,
a hundred pure oceans will flow forth.
Look closely at a grain of sand,
The seed of a thousand beings can be seen.
The foot of an ant is larger than an elephant;
In essence, a drop of water
is no different than the Nile.
In the heart of a barley-corn
lies the fruit of a hundred harvests;
Within the pulp of a millet seed
an entire universe can be found.
In the wing of a fly, an ocean of wonder;
In the pupil of the eye, an endless heaven.
Though the inner chamber of the heart is small,
the Lord of both worlds
gladly makes his home there.
Thought4TheDay (Dec. 22, 2017)
The Best
The best, like water,
Benefit all and do not compete.
They dwell in lowly spots that everyone else scorns.
Putting others before themselves,
They find themselves in the foremost place
And come very near to the Tao.
In their heart, they love the earth;
In their heart, they love what is deep;
In personal relationships, they love kindness;
In their words, they love truth.
In the world, they love peace.
In personal affairs, they love what is right.
In action, they love choosing the right time.
It is because they do not compete with others
That they are beyond the reproach of the world.
There is an underlined unity between both the thoughts even though these are drawn from different sources. Both refer to our spiritual life. Both are based on the Yoga of The Bhagavad Gita. Both describe life as a mix of pleasure and pain. Both deliver the ultimate wisdom of Gita. Spirituality expressed in both the quotes gives us an inimitable life’s lesson; that one need to rise above the momentary emotions of pleasure and pain. Both are based on Hindu scriptures. Hindu philosophy does not bind us to any dos and don’ts. Instead it just serves as a guide. It professes meditation which is a means to know oneself. Just like the modern SWOFT analysis through detailed Arjuna Krishna dialogue The Bhagavad Gita inspires us to strengthen our character and follow the path of performing our duty to the best of our ability to find peace with oneself. Peace of mind is the topmost quality that we need to aspire according to Hare Krishna.
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