Why are You Afraid of Public Speaking?

Public Speaking is no longer for the leaders only. It is important that even students, executives, or the CEOs all have to master the art of Public Speaking today.

What is Public Speaking? The simple definition of Public Speaking to present your views to the audience confidently, and in a manner that the audience not only understands but also assimilates. Similarly any business leader has to achieve the same objective when he is motivating his team or when he is defining the goals of the organization.

The fear of Public Speaking stems on the inherent fear that what if your idea is rejected. What if people laugh at you? This is also known as glossophobia which has been plaguing Speakers from time immemorial. While earlier there were no institutes where one could learn or practice public speaking, now there are many in every city all over the world.

Often there is a question what is the difference between Public Speaking and Presentation Skills? Today, everyone has to make presentations irrespective of his/her profile. Even the students are asked to make presentations. There is not any significant difference between the two, except that of nomenclature. Even conversations among people, colleagues and social contacts also require the same skills which are recommended for the Public Speaker.

Understanding these questions, and the need to imparting training to overcome the anxiety, to remove any kind of fear from the mind of the person who wants to express ideas, many independent trainers and even online help is available. So, there is no longer only reason to continue to shy away from The speaking assignments. The confidence which is required for such an activity has to be built up and that is what can he achieved with training. Though not easy, but  it is not something which is too difficult to achieve. The important steps to become a good speaker are:

  1. You must know your subject completely. Whenever and wherever it is needed carry out adequate research to update your knowledge. Always remember content is the King.
  2. Try to acquire as much information about you audience as possible   
  3. When you know your audience you will the able to work out your speech more efficiently. Because you will the able to assess their needs, likes and dislikes etc.
  4. To begin with, follow the simple method of preparing the speech in the following manner.

You must define your subject and introduce the same in simple language. Your introduction can also include the important points which you will deal with in your speech.

  • For a ten minutes speech, you may include 2 or 3 points only. Explain these with examples to which your audience can relate.

How to prepare the speech for the occasion? How to prepare for an important negotiation? How to bring conviction in your thoughts? How to understand the body language of your listener(s), are some of the questions which are dealt with in great detail even in some of the videos on YouTube. We understand that not being able to answer these questions always leads to lack of confidence. Unless one speaks confidently, the audience will never be able to relate with the speaker.

The language also plays an important role. It enables you to make simple effective sentences which are easily understood by your audience. It must be emphasized the need to understand the people you are going to talk to, or your audience at large, is as important as your content if not more. How to hold the attention of the people is indeed important and these techniques are the ones which need to be understood, but ensure that they are imbibed in your personality.

There are many advantages of a good communicator. Your efforts will imparts knowledge; give public speaking tips which can be used on all occasions. You can also include quotations of world famous Public speakers of various eras, while due to advancement of technology and changing times, some modern modifications may the required but basic principles remain the same which were explained centuries ago by the Greek philosopher in three words; Ethos and Logos. Ethos stands for your credibility and reputation on the subject, pathos stands for the needs of the audience and Logos how you construct your arguments.

Thanks for reading.

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