On Sunday 30/3/2014 we had a very useful discussion regarding managing CHANGE in life. The subject was how to inculcate good habits and how to ward off, the bad ones. Each participant was advised to identify 10 good habits of their friends, colleagues or of family members which each wanted to imbibe in their own personality.
At the same time they were also asked to identify 5 bad habits of their own which each wanted to give up. Besides, what efforts have been made so far to give up the bad habits were also to be explained? Since it was a Speech Training Session, the participants were supposed to detail clearly each point with examples. These examples could be chosen from their own lives or those of others known to them. A heartwarming open and interesting discussion led to a number of conclusions.
First of all it’s necessary to understand how habits work. A habit is a kind of repetitive behavior for which you don’t think. You don’t have to apply your mind to check up anything before you take action. Let’s examine with some examples. If you wake up at a particular time, you don’t need any alarm to remind you. Taking bath and getting ready is also done as a matter of habit. If you were to check the time you take for getting ready everyday it will be more or less the same. Taking your breakfast fast is also a habit which need consistent efforts to bring about the desired change.
Does it mean that we cannot change our habit/habits which we want to change? No, it doesn’t. We certainly can with required will and efforts. However some habits can be changed by once own efforts, where as some others require professional help. But in both the situations one needs to adopt a systematic approach. First of all we must state clearly what new habit we want to adopt. It’s always better to write in your journal in clear terms. For example, if you have wanted to go for a morning walk but habitually you get up late, you can change this habit. After writing in your journal about your decision to start doing for a morning walk regularly you must fix up the date for starting. The first few days you may have to use the alarm which will wake you up at a particular time. It’s necessary not to laze around after the alarm. Just get ready and go for a walk. It is said that it is normally take 21 days to form a habit.
Now I give another example. If you suffer from stage fright and you cannot speak to a group by standing up, you need a professional help. You also require a firm determination that you will overcome the stage fright because it is impeding your progress. Further, you must carefully select the professional. It is like going to the right doctor for getting the ailment eliminated. With appropriate efforts and continuous practice one can definitely overcome the bane of stage fright. In today’s environment, it is necessary. In colleges you have to give presentations, and wherever you work, once you are in a senior position, you need to give presentations to your bosses.
Even if you are an entrepreneur and doing your own business, you need to motivate your staff and for this also you need great confidence. Besides, you must not have any fear of facing the people from the stage.
In my next posting we will take up how to form some other good habits.
Thank you for reading.
Celebrity Cult? – Let us remember the Martyrs!
First of all lets understand what is Celebrity Cult? A public figure when repetitively exposed in media is recognized by the people of the concerned area. They occupy the space in the media in regard to some contribution in the society. Thus a political leader when talked about again and again and their photographer are also projected is likely to become a Celebrity. Likewise, Actors or Sports Persons with laurels also become Celebrities. Since a Celebrity attracts many followers he/she becomes on influencing agent. Thus, if a celebrity endorse a product, people would like to buy because it is endorsed by the person they love.
What does this endorsement mean? And, what is the significance of the endorsement? Further so what extent is such endorsement is ethical? How does it impact the personality of the Celebrity? These are hidden, less talked about aspects that we must be aware about in order to assess the true impact of the Celebrity Cult on Society. I call it an undesirable occurrence. Celebrities may be upset. Their followers may get angry. But I have my reasons which I will explain in a short while.
Until late seventies, the advertising industry would use models whenever necessary for the products they wanted to promote. Often a particular model would constantly promote a given product. Because they were comparatively unknown faces, their endorsement would not matter. So models, either male or female were used when the product demanded either a male or a female. For example, an advertisement for suits required a stylish male model, while exercise equipment needed a muscular figure. Likewise a girl with beautiful unblemished skin was chosen for a fair use cream. At that time Advertising Agencies would do their best to write a convincing copy. Also the lead time of the advertisement was extremely important. Words were chosen with discretion. These were aimed to be understood by the targeted audience in their real sense. Such was the advertising of those days. In short there was total creativity, complete application of mind, knowledge and elegance.
But with the advent of celebrity cult all has become unknown history. What is happening now? A popular actor says that he could successfully carry out his arduous working of facing daggling lights and long shooting schedules because he has been using a particular brand of hair oil for massage. On another actor endorses a shampoo saying that the particular shampoo is the secret of her long and silky hair. Or a Cricketer would say that a particular brand of car is this is used by him at all times. White lies! People are being fooled. They are made to feel small. And the celebrities celebrate with more money, and even more exposure. Product qualities are thrown in the backburner. Product education is nil.
These are some of the reasons that I denounce Celebrities and the Cult created around them. Least I forget to mention, the photograph that you see on the Page 3 Supplements of leading papers are mostly paid spaces, another highly unethical practice in the print media today.
Today, 23rd March, is Martyrs Day. This is the day that our three of India’s greatest sons – Shahid Bhagat Singh, Shahid Sukhdev Thapar and Shahid Shivram Rajguru were hanged by the cruel British colonialists who looted and destroyed our nation for two centuries.
On this day let us all make the pledge that we cherish the memory of our freedom fighters, our stalwart leaders who have fashioned our nation to what it is today. The freedom that we celebrate and enjoy today are because of their tireless, and brave sacrifices. We also pledge never to get misled or distracted by empty words of the vain, self-glorifying and shameless celebrities – crickets, actors, T V commenters, etc.
I leave you with images of Shahid Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru. Please share this blog if you agree with my views.
Thanks for reading!
Our Education System
Recently, we held a symposium at our learning centre. The subject was our Education System and the changes that are urgently required. A number of participants gave their views and the subject was discussed at length.
I have chosen one of the essays submitted on the occasion by Mr. Niraj Kushawa – one of the participants. I find it very interesting and thought provoking; so I thought of sharing the essay with you.
Education system in India – by Niraj Kushawa
Indian education system is one of the oldest education system in the world. In ancient times, India had the Gurukula system of education. In Gurukula system anyone who wished to study went to a teacher’s (Guru) house and requested to be taught. If accepted as a student by the guru, he would then stay at the guru’s place and help in all activities at home. This not only created a strong tie between the teacher and the student, but also taught the student everything about running a house. The guru taught everything the child wanted to learn, from Sanskrit to Mathematics. The student stayed as long as he/she wished or until the guru felt that he had taught everything he could teach. All learning was closely linked to nature and to life, and not confined to memorizing some information.
The modern school system was brought to India, including the English language, originally by Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay in the 1830s. The curriculum was confined to “modern” subjects such as science and mathematics, and subjects like metaphysics and philosophy were considered unnecessary. Teaching was confined to classrooms and the link with nature was broken, as also the close relationship between the teacher and the student.
The Uttar Pradesh (a state in India) Board of High School and Intermediate Education was the first Board set up in India in the year 1921 with jurisdiction over Rajputana, Central India and Gwalior. In 1929, the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Rajputana, was established. Later, boards were established in some of the states. But eventually, in 1952, the constitution of the board was amended and it was renamed Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).
Reason Behind Sharp Decline in Quality in Education System:
(1) Privatisation of Education: The government cannot afford to provide higher education to all the people in the country. It is too costly for the government to do so. The central government spends about 4% of budget expenditure on education, compared to 40% on defence. There are crooks, money launderers and politicians opening “private” educational institutions which extract money from the educational institution through creative structuring. The focus is on marketing rather than innovation or providing great educational service.
(2) Education System Needs Reform: Our education system is still a colonial education system generating babus and pen-pushers. We may have the most number of engineering graduates in the world, but that certainly has not translated into much technological innovation here. Rather, we are busy running the call centres of the rest of the world – that is where our engineering skills end. The goal of our new education system should be to create entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, scientists, thinkers and writers who can establish the foundation of a knowledge based economy rather than the low-quality service provider nation that we are turning into.
(3) Reservation in Education System : We have reservation in education today because education is not available universally. Education has to be rationed. Reservation has badly ruined the moral of the bright students those who do not fall in reservation criteria. Even though, if a bright student got good marks in entrance examination, he did not get admission due to reservation system. Further it is pertinent to mentioned that its affects the quality of teaching and subsequently education system as a whole.
(4) No Common Syllabus and Markings: India is comprises of 29 states and 7 union tarritoties. Practically we have more number of board than number of states. Various board have their own syllabus and their own grading system. When a student come out from a state and start participating in national level competition then he realise the disadvantages of such type of system. Not even at the state level but also the central government has different syllabus for different exams based on same educational qualification. For example: GATE and Indian Engineering Services has different syllabus.
(5) Imbalance of Infrastructure and Resources: There is an imbalance in education system region-wise namely rural and urban region. On the other hand sector-wise namely government and private colleges. In cities situation is satisfactory and all the facility is available but when you look towards actual India that is rural part of it, situation is even worst Entrepreneur construct building and got approval by offering bribes. In such institution no lab facility is available. Such institutes lacks of basic teaching aids, even qualified teachers.
Thanks for reading.
Managing Your Work!
What you do as your profession is something which gives significance to your life. Often you have to start some new project even though you are working in the same job. A new project could mean an altogether new situation. At the same time it may mean developing a new client or creating a new product.
Your professional work also gives a social significance to your life. It is difficult to imagine living life alone. You need people around. And so also they need you. Society gives you a lot and rightfully expects that you must also contribute in return. It must work both ways. Whenever you start something new, it is necessary to thoughtfully consider all the necessary details. Besides, you must generate enough enthusiasm to ensure a good beginning.
Beginning of a new project
so that it may aptly reflect
the strength of earnest desire
Keenness of what you aspire
Well-begun will always inspire
Focused approach; friends will admire.
Without proper planning, you may expect
flaws in the project, in time, you detect.
Necessary details may not neglect
And, capable personnel you may select
Doubt, suspicion you may dispel
your faith in project may always dwell
your mind remains searching better ways
improving your efforts for the goal you chase.
Clarity of vision replacing your haze
making your attitude worthy of praise.
All above tasks you may achieve
Anxiety and tension, it will relieve
with honest prayer to God, you believe
His blessings for success, you will surely receive.
As a manager you must, first of all keep yourself motivated and then motivate your team members involved in your work.
Modern manager’s main tool
is motivation made to rule.
An organization may be big or small
Motivation always stands a tall.
The objective of getting the best,
from everyone you lead, is your test.
You let their confidence build strong
Tolerate their dissent, but never prolong.
Discussion with juniors must conclude
with welcome decisions or success will
Elude, your core objectives;
will give you a tough time,
Force you to review your own paradigm.
Having motivated yourself and your team, you are equipped to achieve your objective. However, for greater ease and joy while doing your work you must apply mind to improve processes.
Applying mind to develop
new better processes
to achieve your defined objective
is the development of technology
Just as technology is upgraded
you hope to achieve
Greater objectives, higher goals
the winner, indeed is technology
Technology gives you
Confidence to accept
Greater challenges
History of human development
Stands witness to the
Victory of technology
And let application of mind for improvement become your habit.
Habit, practice, use of mind
Winning tools; develop and find
nature helps, and remains kind
Baser tendencies you’ll rout and grind
Clarity in thinking you must school
In a competitive world there is no better tool!
In the pursuit to improve and gain more, it is necessary to maintain your perspective at all times. Technology and improvement tools should always be regarded as means to an end your final mission
Your mission in mind
Desire working strong
once loose your perspective
many matters may go wrong.
Meeting many-many people
Friends and hidden foes;
always keep your perspective,
Caution comes
you remain alert, on your toes
just the best way to grow.
In a competitive world, you have to do your very best remembering always that the best is ever yet to come. So
Belittle your own intelligence, never!
Let fear of opponent’s intellect fade
the best in battle achieved ever
is own with courage and mind’s aid
Think of your strength
Weaknesses underplay
Improve your attitude
your mind, never allow it, to dismay.
Age is no bar for projects great
let intelligence work at length
Go right ahead rather than wait
Purge and, define your latent strength
How to develop Active Listening Skills
In today’s fast paced world, communication is extremely important. In fact, in business it is critical. However, communication is equally important at home when interacting with your own near and dear ones. It is also important during social interactions, when you meet people. There is no doubt that your speech should be very articulate. The speech will communicate the ideas that you want to convey. However it is even more important to be an active listener!
Communication is always is a two way process. Your articulate speech will go in vain if you are not listening to the person you are speaking to. You can even listen to the person with your eyes. Body language tells all. Facial expressions clearly denote whether the opposite person is listening to you or not. This means that the best vocal capabilities will not be effective until these are matched with equally attentive listening abilities.
Now let us examine how to be a good listener. Some of the qualities of a good listener are as under:
- You should listen as a friend. Often your opinion will be different from the person who is speaking. We are all individuals and therefore no two persons think alike. Listening as a friend enables reconciliation of contradicting opinions.
- Further more, it is necessary for the listener to make the speaker appreciate that you are an attentive listener. When somebody is speaking try not to fidget with anything on your table. You should not gaze at the news paper / magazine on your table. Even looking at the speaker with a lost expression, will convey an impression that you are brooding over something else and not listening to what is being said. Thus you should not only listen actively but you should also show to speaker that you’re listening actively.
- Encourage the speaker to join you in the comfort zone. When you have removed all distractions and you make the speaker aware that you are listening to them, you must encourage him to open up by your friendly nodding of the head smile wherever desirable and maintain a comfortable eye contact. While speaking on telephone you can use words and expressions like – ‘yes’,‘go ahead’, ‘hmmm’… etc. These are the voice symbols which tell the other person that you are actively listening during the phone conversation.
- Act but never react. Whenever the discussion is held around heavy states one as to be extra careful. If the speaker raises the voice it is necessary for you to maintain calm. However you must never give an impression that anybody can take you for granted. This can be achieved by not reacting to any unsavory remarks by the speaker. Instead you should use such words and expressions which will make it explicit to the intruder that you are unshakable. It is this state of calmness which will unnerve your opponent. The expression with ‘Act never react’ simply means to use your mind and reply appropriately, firmly but without raising your voice if the opponent has raised his.
- You need to comprehend whatever you have listened. It is always a good idea to summarize and repeat briefly the points you have just heard. It will help you to understand all the points clearly; and in case there is any confusion the same will be clarified there and them.
- As a good listener you have a right to ask questions to the speaker. The speaker will never object to relevant questions which are briefly asked.
To conclude, good listening skills is not a rocket science. It just requires an empathetic attitude and an attentive mind, and forms that basis for long lasting relationships.
Maintaining a Positive Attitude!
In the age of Information Technology and extensive use of computers, one way consider the human brain as a unique operating system capable of producing excellent solutions to all your problems all that you have to do is to keep on updating the system i.e. your brain with the lessons life teaches from day-to-day because
You come to this world with the balance sheet of the previous birth. A programmed of possibilities you call it ‘Samskara’.
You study the features of the program or you don’t.
You learn to use it or you don’t.
You strive to enhance it to bring out the newer better utilities or you don’t.
You are places in certain circumstances: you have a duty to perform. You carry out your duty or you don’t.
You crave out a life for yourself or you don’t.
If you decide your profession you define your duties, or you don’t. Own turn. Even then, either you define your duties, or you don’t.
Whichever way you define your own duty, you perform your duty or you don’t.
If you perform your duty, utilize fully your operating systems inbuilt software – your ‘Sanskara’, keep on enhancing it, brining out new, better versions and keep on utilizing your own operating systems; you are a yogi. Or the great Bill.
The important message is to keep on updating your wisdom the human ‘operating system’ for better decisions. And also to take good care of your thoughts because they have an important bearing on your life.
Think big, and think great School your thoughts, it is never late.
Thoughts are like the Seeds in earth; These condition the fruits before their birth. Good thoughts Make your decisions good Bring out the best As they should.
Thoughts of jealousy, malice and similar kind Enter your mind, make you mad, and blind!
While your thoughts and a constant desire to develop a positive attitude will take care of your mental health, it is equally necessary if not more, to take good care of your body your physical health. A software engineer ensures that his computer is not only updated with latest technology in the field off his operation but also is free from any viruses and is technically sound. Likewise to get the best out of human life, it is essential to maintain excellent health both physical and mental. Human body is much more than a machine. So it requires much greater care as it is…
A unique body with priceless mind comprises Creator’s greatest gift to mankind incalculate good health Not for body alone
Money mends many things can surely contribute to good health money for its own sake is a wasteful wealth.
Your good health alone can give you a store house of energy that you always need. Besides, one must understand that to lead a meaningful and healthy life, abundant energy is a pre-requisite.
Energy is a life force your activity’s chief resources mind gives you direction Energy helps implementation action choose appropriate combination of the two according to your profession whatever you do
A rigorous regime need not be imposed regulate thought process. Devoid of stress get abundant energy, and be composed.
With a sound mind, a healthy body and a wonderful storehouse of energy good decision come easy. And you know.
When to act or to desist it’s a quality essential top on the list of people desiring success and they persist pursuing their goals with decision fast there’s little doubt that their success will last
Whenever you have decided to launch an important project some opposition from known or unknown quarters can always come. Often opposition comes from close quarters. Colleagues, friends and even relatives may criticize only for the sake of criticism. There may even be some latent motive. So be prepared and have conviction in what you do.
When you are convinced what you say is right when no other alternative is within your sight and for your right you are prepared to fight your conviction you let speak even strong opponent will act weak
There is so much in life and so much to do. However for anything new even within your existing project you must get used to taking initiative. Besides having ample initiative gives such a great confidence and makes every day more interesting. Pray to your God the Almighty, the way you visualize him saying.
Grant me an unending initiative to further my tasks and be creative indecision clarity may rule throughout
Risks may not, my mind, shatter completing tasks be my only matter Flexibility when required let always come so that my day’s battles are won
Rigidity of ideas must be never display democratic openness must come to play your grace may always shine brighter making me your devotee, a downright fighter
Whatever you my do, doing it well is of utmost importance for…
Aspiration to know even more, delving deep into matter core availing fully faculties of the mind Virtue this is, of a splendid kind let your imagination fly free awakening creativity to a finer degree pondering on the problem in hand solutions come with a magic wand
If you try to pay less heed searching shortcuts to successes you tend to loose you aim and enter another futile game virtue tells not of easy means strengthens your will; goals are easier seen.
Hindu philosophy suggests that life is a continues battle where we have to fight out against the implementing hurdles, difficulties created by others etc. if life is a battle ground, be always prepared to fight your battle well.
Most humans are fond of celebrating their victories without fighting their battles.
Don’t announce your victory without fighting the battle don’t celebrate the success don’t let reason rattle. Success does not always, come with effortless ease, as though you are the only person for her, to please. Hold yourself and give, your own mind, time to think nothing worthwhile is achieved in a fleeting moment, the time, it takes to blink.
Most off the conscious times, you are at your work. So if you can be happy while working you really feel that life worth living.
By following these simple hints and practices, you are well on your way to create a positive attitude and you must.
Row the boat of ‘duty’ sail safely across a sea. Search through your mind what your duty can be. Never is there a situation nor any circumstance that could ever effect your intention of duty; you want to perform.
Hindrances, hurdles even hurricane may hurt or shake your resolve. With devotion to your duty; Grater courage will evolve. Duty first, always in mind greater joy; you will never find.
Unfortunately, sometimes we develop a tendency to complain and even so bitterly about the fallacies that we come across in the system, in the organization we work or among the people we interact with.
But one must move on with life without complaining.
Why should you? Always make a fuss living in your static world rather catch life’s vibrant bus life moves on and so must you time will not wait whatever you may do!
For more visit: http://blog.nimblefoundation.org
How to Manage Yourself
Managing Yourself has several aspects. Each day, in your work, either you contribute to some ongoing activities or you initiate some new ones. You may have a number of tasks for the day ahead. The best time to plan your day is the morning. So you must have for a successful day,
Your Morning Muse:
Contemplate you must
On priorities first
Let not opportunity lose
Work on subjects just
Give objectives appropriate thrust
Rely on your morning muse.
Mind is fresh and pure
Great ideas it can secure
Creative solutions it will bring
Focusing your thoughts, you are sure
Direction you gain; better results will pour
Like precious pearl in a string.
Rely readily on your ‘Morning muse’
She brings benefits unique, you never refuse!
Having put your plan for the day in place, you must remind yourself, as much to do your job well as also to enjoy doing it. Therefore one must understand that the only way to enjoy one’s work is to give it an undivided attention. Besides, that alone can bring you success which is so very important for happiness that every one seeks.
Concentration is a way of life
Reflects every action and your strife
A habit that would show
Distractions don’t grow
Making your mid calm and clear
and you work, without fear
When you think of only objective
mental processes become active
nothing else you may see
So that your mind moves free
Concentration also helps you to be decisive. When you concentrate, you try to secure information from all angles on the subject you are working on. Surely, this knowledge removes your doubts and you tend to know:
When to act
Or to desist
it’s a quality essential
Top on the list
of people desiring success
and if they persist
Pursuing their goals
with decisions fast
little doubt that
their success will last
We do many a thing daily for which we don’t have to think. We do it habitually. So no time is lost in thinking, deciding etc. but there remain all the possibilities for improvement even in smallest of things like your morning chores. Like brushing your teeth or taking your bath. It is good to realize that
Force of habit is very strong
You do job better nothing goes wrong
Habit makes reflexes fast
Required energy naturally lasts
Doing daily chores
Energy scores.
Greater efficiency with habit on your side
Should you contemplate, and decide
Simple daily jobs
Sure rough weather
You will ride
Have good habits
Have a sigh of relief habit improves performance
Having a strong belief
When you have decided to manage you’re your life well and work for it, things will work better indeed. However, one must realize and appreciate that circumstances do not remain the same. These are invariably changing for better or for worse; therefore you must willingly accept these for
Every tide yields to an ebb.
Every high heralds a low
Storm in sea secures a calm
these are nature’s fluctuations,
which naturally flow.
Day fades to fetch the night
until it is morning again.
Spring softness winter’s bite
Happiness returns without a strain.
Success and failure are intertwined
Joy for ever; you will never find.
Life does depend on what you do
more than that, it is your attitude.
Our health attitude helps us to handle life better and bring us closer to the concept of positive living.
Life is ten percent how you make it
Ninety percent it’s how you take it
One may be ambitious
And yet satisfied
Not with what you possess
But genuine efforts in guise
Man with ambition dissatisfied
May not rise
With sluggish mundane movement
Of time
Accepting challenges
Is what makes life worth living
Making Meetings Work
Lots of meetings are conducted by each organization every week. Often the participants are senior/middle level executives. The cost of the time spent by the participants is very high. Besides, if a meeting is a not successful in achieving the objectives, the frustration and interpersonal conflict add to the cost.
However, if meetings can be held effectively, these are invaluable techniques of taking strong decisions after thorough discussion. It’s necessary to understand for the coordinators and even the CEO’s to have adequate knowledge of how to make meetings effective and productive. The chairman of the meeting plays a very important role for the efficacy of the meeting. Besides, meetings must give a satisfaction of openly discussing the ideas which you may have but you may not find an opportunity to express. Thus while on the one side we find that the poor meetings can be waste of expensive time of the executives, on the other these can be very helpful. If the meetings are organized effectively, they can be tools for resolving many managerial issues. These can thus be very helpful for the Management. The first important question, therefore, is the real need for the meeting. The coordinator has to clearly workout the objectives of the meeting. He or she has also to clarify how best the objectives can be achieved.
In order that we make the meetings productive and helpful we should attend to the following points which are often ignored:
1) Planning and preparation: we should define the objectives of the meeting.
2) We should select the participants and prepare a list of the proposed attendees. We may also invite their suggestions on the proposed agenda.
3) The organizer needs to set the ground rules off the meetings in consultation with the chairman. In his brief introduction before the meetings starts the chairman can explain these ground rules. These could be summarized as :–
a) Participants should speak precisely and avoid verbosity.
b) Only one person should speak at time.
c) The point which is already made by one participant should not be repeated by the other and
d) No one should take the discussion on a personal level.
4) The organizer must contemplate on what could be the problems. Necessary steps to avoid these problems should be taken.
5) Getting results and action: minutes of the meeting should be written sooner than later, these should be circulated among the participants with or without a note by the chairman.
6) There should be follow up action plan and the action need to be monitored.
Thanks for reading. For more: Visit: http://satishkakriconsultants.com
Steps to making meetings work
Lots of meetings are conducted by each organization every week. Often the participants are senior/middle level executives. The cost of the time spent by the participants is very high. Besides, if a meeting is a not successful in achieving the objectives, the frustration and interpersonal conflict add to the cost.
However, if meetings can be held effectively, these are invaluable techniques of taking strong decisions after thorough discussion. It’s necessary to understand for the coordinators and even the CEO’s to have adequate knowledge of how to make meetings effective and productive. The chairman of the meeting plays a very important role for the efficacy of the meeting. Besides, meetings must give a satisfaction of openly discussing the ideas which you may have but you may not find an opportunity to express. Thus while on the one side we find that the poor meetings can be waste of expensive time of the executives, on the other these can be very helpful. If the meetings are organized effectively, they can be tools for resolving many managerial issues. These can thus be very helpful for the Management. The first important question, therefore, is the real need for the meeting. The coordinator has to clearly workout the objectives of the meeting. He or she has also to clarify how best the objectives can be achieved.
In order that we make the meetings productive and helpful we should attend to the following points which are often ignored:
1) Planning and preparation: we should define the objectives of the meeting.
2) We should select the participants and prepare a list of the proposed attendees. We may also invite their suggestions on the proposed agenda.
3) The organizer needs to set the ground rules off the meetings in consultation with the chairman. In his brief introduction before the meetings starts the chairman can explain these ground rules. These could be summarized as :–
a) Participants should speak precisely and avoid verbosity.
b) Only one person should speak at time.
c) The point which is already made by one participant should not be repeated by the other and
d) No one should take the discussion on a personal level.
4) The organizer must contemplate on what could be the problems. Necessary steps to avoid these problems should be taken.
5) Getting results and action: minutes of the meeting should be written sooner than later, these should be circulated among the participants with or without a note by the chairman.
6) There should be follow up action plan and the action need to be monitored.
Thanks for reading. For more: Visit: http://satishkakriconsultants.com
Lala Lajpat Rai – The Lion of Punjab!
Lala Lajpat Rai, (28 January 1865 – 17 November 1928) was an Indian author and politician who is chiefly remembered as a leader in the Indian fight for independence from the British Raj. He was popularly known as Punjab Kesari meaning The Lion of Punjab also known as “Sher-E- Punjab” in Hindi. He was part of the Lal Bal Pal trio.[1] His other close associates were Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak from Maharashtra, and Bipin Chandra Pal from Bengal. He was also associated with activities of Punjab National Bank and Lakshmi Insurance Company in their early stages.
He sustained serious injuries by the police when leading a non-violent protest against the Simon Commission and died less than three weeks later. His death anniversary (November 17) is one of several days celebrated as Martyrs’ Day in India.
Lets us remember one of India’s greatest sons on his birthday!
Please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lala_Lajpat_Rai for more!
Thanks for reading!