Unlocking the Power of Networking: Why It Matters?

What are the hurdles in successful networking?

Successful networking can be challenging due to several hurdles, including:

Lack of Confidence: Many people feel nervous or intimidated when approaching strangers or initiating conversations, which can prevent them from effectively networking.

Time Constraints: Building and maintaining a network requires time and effort. Busy schedules can make it difficult to attend networking events or follow up with new contacts.

Poor Communication Skills: Effective networking involves good communication skills, including active listening, clear articulation, and the ability to engage in meaningful conversations.

Limited Access to Opportunities: Some individuals may lack access to networking events or platforms, particularly those in remote areas or from underrepresented groups.

Not Understanding the Value of Networking: Some people fail to recognize the importance of networking or misunderstand its purpose, seeing it solely as a means to advance their careers rather than a way to build mutually beneficial relationships.

Fear of Rejection: The fear of being ignored or rejected can deter individuals from reaching out to others or following up on initial contacts.

Lack of Follow-Up: Making an initial connection is just the first step. Consistent and meaningful follow-up is crucial for turning acquaintances into lasting professional relationships.

Overcoming Stereotypes and Biases: Preconceived notions and biases can hinder effective networking, especially in diverse or cross-cultural environments.

Difficulty in Finding Common Ground: Establishing rapport with new contacts can be challenging if there is no apparent common interest or shared experience.

Maintaining Relationships: Keeping in touch and nurturing relationships over time requires effort and intentionality, which can be difficult amidst other professional and personal commitments.

Balancing Personal and Professional Boundaries: Navigating the line between personal and professional interactions can be tricky, particularly in informal networking settings.

What are the opportunities we lose if we do not properly network?

Failing to properly network can result in several lost opportunities across various areas of personal and professional development. Here are some key opportunities that can be missed:

1. Career Advancement

Job Opportunities: Many job openings are never advertised publicly. They are filled through internal referrals or recommendations from trusted contacts. Without a strong network, you may miss out on these hidden job markets.
Promotions and Raises: Building relationships with colleagues and superiors can lead to greater visibility within an organization, which can be crucial when it comes to promotions and salary increases.

2. Knowledge and Skills

Learning and Development: Networking allows you to learn from others’ experiences and gain insights into different industries or areas of expertise. Without this, your personal and professional growth may be stunted.
Mentorship: Mentors can provide valuable guidance, feedback, and advice. A lack of networking can mean missing out on finding a mentor who can help you navigate your career path.

3. Business Opportunities

Partnerships and Collaborations: Networking can lead to potential business partnerships, collaborations, and joint ventures. Without these connections, you might miss out on opportunities to expand or enhance your business.
Client Acquisition: For entrepreneurs and business owners, networking is often a primary way to attract new clients and customers. Missing out on networking can limit business growth and revenue potential.

4. Professional Reputation

Visibility and Recognition: Being active in your professional community helps build your reputation and establish yourself as a thought leader. Without networking, it’s harder to achieve recognition in your field.
Credibility and Trust: Strong networks help build trust and credibility. People are more likely to trust and do business with those who come recommended by mutual contacts.

5. Personal Development

Support System: Networking provides a support system of peers who can offer advice, support, and encouragement during challenging times.
Opportunities for Feedback: Regular interactions with a network can provide constructive feedback, helping you improve personally and professionally.

6. Market Insights

Industry Trends: Networking keeps you informed about the latest industry trends, market conditions, and competitive landscape. Without these insights, you might miss out on critical information that could affect your strategic decisions.
Innovation and Ideas: Exchanging ideas with a diverse group of professionals can spark innovation and creativity. Lack of networking can result in a more insular and less innovative approach to problem-solving.

7. Social Capital

Access to Resources: Networks can provide access to resources such as funding, technology, and expertise that you might not have on your own.
Influence and Advocacy: A strong network can advocate on your behalf, helping to influence decisions or open doors that might otherwise remain closed.

8. Event Invitations

Conferences and Seminars: Networking often leads to invitations to important industry events, conferences, and seminars, which are prime opportunities for learning and further networking.
Social Events: Networking also includes social gatherings where informal connections can be made, leading to unexpected opportunities.

9. Volunteer and Community Engagement

Community Involvement: Networking can lead to opportunities to get involved in community projects, volunteer work, and other social impact initiatives that can be both personally rewarding and professionally beneficial.

What are the benefits of networking?

Networking offers a wide range of benefits, both personally and professionally. Here are some of the key advantages:

Professional Growth

Career Opportunities: Networking can open doors to job opportunities, promotions, and career advancements that might not be advertised publicly.
Industry Insights: Staying connected with professionals in your field keeps you informed about industry trends, best practices, and new developments.
Mentorship and Guidance: Experienced professionals can offer advice, guidance, and mentorship, helping you navigate your career path more effectively.
Skill Development: Interacting with a diverse group of professionals can help you acquire new skills and knowledge, enhancing your professional competencies.

Personal Growth
Confidence Building: Regularly interacting with new people and engaging in professional discussions can boost your confidence and improve your communication skills.
Expanding Perspectives: Networking exposes you to different viewpoints and ideas, fostering a broader understanding of your industry and beyond.

Business Benefits

Business Development: Networking can lead to new clients, partnerships, and business opportunities, helping to grow your business.
Brand Visibility: Regular participation in networking events increases your personal or business brand’s visibility and credibility.
Problem-Solving: Engaging with a network of professionals allows you to seek advice and solutions to business challenges from experienced peers.
Collaboration: Networking can facilitate collaborations and joint ventures, leading to innovative solutions and shared successes.

Knowledge Sharing
Access to Resources: A strong network provides access to valuable resources such as information, tools, and contacts that can aid in personal and professional projects.
Learning Opportunities: Networking often involves attending workshops, seminars, and conferences where you can learn from experts in your field.

Social Benefits
Support System: A professional network can offer emotional support, encouragement, and motivation during challenging times.
Friendships: Networking can lead to the development of lasting personal friendships that enrich your life beyond professional contexts.

Practical Examples

Job Referrals: Many job vacancies are filled through referrals from network contacts.
Market Intelligence: Learning about market shifts and competitor strategies through informal conversations.
Collaborative Projects: Partnering with network contacts on projects that require complementary skills.

Networking of Professional

Networking professionally is a vital skill for career development and business growth. Here are some strategies to effectively build and maintain a professional network:

1. Attend Industry Events and Conferences

Engage in Workshops and Seminars: Participate actively in industry-related events, workshops, and seminars to meet like-minded professionals.
Join Trade Shows and Expos: These events are great for discovering new trends and meeting potential clients or partners.

2. Leverage Social Media and Professional Networks

LinkedIn: Optimize your LinkedIn profile, join relevant groups, and actively participate in discussions.
Twitter and Other Platforms: Follow industry leaders, engage in conversations, and share insightful content.

3. Join Professional Associations

Memberships: Join professional organizations or associations related to your field.
Volunteering: Take up volunteer roles or leadership positions within these organizations to increase visibility.

4. Engage in Online Communities

Forums and Discussion Boards: Participate in forums like Reddit, Quora, or specialized industry boards.
Webinars and Online Workshops: Attend and engage in webinars hosted by industry experts.

5. Utilize Alumni Networks

Alumni Associations: Connect with your alma mater’s alumni network to find common ground with professionals in your industry.
Events and Reunions: Attend alumni events and reunions to renew connections.

6. Informational Interviews

Request Meetings: Reach out to industry veterans for informational interviews to learn and gain insights.
Prepare Questions: Have a list of thoughtful questions and show genuine interest in their experiences.

7. Networking Events and Meetups

Local Meetups: Participate in local networking events or meetups through platforms like Meetup.com.
Speed Networking: Engage in speed networking events to meet multiple professionals quickly.

8. Maintain and Nurture Relationships

Follow-up: Always follow up after meeting someone new. Send a thank-you note or connect on LinkedIn.
Regular Check-ins: Periodically check in with your network to keep the relationship warm.

9. Mentorship

Find a Mentor: Look for mentors who can guide and support your career growth.
Be a Mentor: Offer to mentor others, which can also expand your network.

Thanks for reading.

Change Management

“People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I do not believe in circumstances. The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they don’t find them, they make them!”
These words of George Bearnard Shaw are more relevant today than ever before. In the continuous changing society, it is imperative to rely on knowledge, process and technology – all three to keep pace with the change. Leaders must keep in mind the following aspects for effectively ensuring and properly implementing change in the organisations they lead. These are:

1. Innovation: The leader should have the the ability to innovate. This requires imagination, knowledge and perspective, and a thorough understanding of the organisation he leads.

Classifications of Personal Involvement – DH101: Fall 2014

2. Personal Involvement: It is necessary for the leader to be personally involved for the efficacy of the strategy to bring about change. He can not carry out the same by proxy.

3. The Leader should know what needs to be done in general, though not in detail. This should be true at every stage of change management.

4. The Leader must be able to deal with ambiguity and be willing to take the required risks. Not taking any risks is the biggest risk.

5. Above all, the leader must understand and correctly assess how much the organisation can change and at what speed.
Satish Kakri, Director – Nimble Foundation

Six Tips to Achieve Goals

How to achieve goals?

1. First, you must write down your goals in clear specific language. Then start with not only visualizing but also seeing your goals as clearly as you have written down. For example, if your goal is to go to France and visit Paris, activate your imagination and see that you are climbing Eiffel tower. Likewise, if you want to buy a specific expensive car say BMW, you should imagine or see yourself riding the BMW.

2. You have to figure out that the sense of believing that you have already achieved the goal is to start looking at it.

  1. You don’t see millions who believe but only one who doesn’t
  2. Don’t waste your energy in trying to change opinions
  3.  Price lee don’t look on it, see within

3. Obstacles

Next, you need to understand the obstacles. If all things were very easy then nobody would need to create goals, write goals or work hard to achieve them. Things are not easy and they will never be easy. Once you see yourself achieving your specific goal, then you sit down and work out what are the kind of obstacles you might face. There will definitely be some obstacles, which you can visualize. And one more important thing to remember is that as you move forward towards achieving your goal, some unexpected obstacle will also come which you will have to conquer. It is only your determination, your decision and your perseverance that you will some way or the other help achieve the goal that you have already imagined.

4. Conquering Obstacles

Create a mental picture that the obstacles are coming and you are conquering all the obstacles. Imagine that there is an athlete who is running an obstacle race, while he is running fast; he is also crossing the obstacles. Likewise, now that you know what kind of obstacles will come, you imagine crossing those obstacles, picture yourself conquering those obstacles and still carrying on with your mission.

5. Many doubts can arise in your mind. It is normal. However, clear all the doubts, clear your mind of all doubts which often come, which are quite natural. You say to yourself, nothing doing, no such doubts will stop me from achieving my goal. I have a clear picture of achieving my goal, I am determined and I have created a mental picture of conquering my obstacles. Therefore, there is no doubt that I can do it. The goal itself is a challenge. And all the obstacles that you face while pursuing the goal, will also be kind of smaller challenges. Embrace the challenge. It is an opportunity which will definitely enhance your courage, which will give you more will power to pursue and to be successful. Stay on track. Keep up on the track following the same thing, which you have defined and seeing yourself achieving it. There should be no diversion. Staying on track will definitely make it easier for you to overcome the obstacles and reach your goal. Eventually show the world you can do it. As I say, SUCCESS stands for,

S – See your goal
U – Understand the obstacles
C – Create positive mental pictures
C – Clear your mind of self-doubts
E – Embrace the challenges
S – Stay on track
S – Show the world you can do it.
When the goal is a big project, define it and write it down. Then have a very strong desire for it. That is the kind of motivation, which is necessary to follow the steps that I have already mentioned.

6. Be Practical – Split the big tasks

If it is an arduous task and a big project, split it up. Split it into smaller goals and then give a time line to those smaller goals. You must review these every day. You have to review what you have done. You have to check if you have come up to your expectations or not. This step is extremely important. Schedule it, add a timeline to all smaller goals and then do it.

Thanks for reading.


Everyone loves to enjoy beauty. The beauty of nature is captivating. but, what is beauty when it comes to human beings? Beauty is not something that comes from physical appearance. Physical attractiveness are deception; what matters really is the nature of a person. It is  true that beautiful or handsome people are more appealing. But we can have a reliable relationship and long lasting trust only on the personalities of people. Physical appearance of a person might fade as years pass on; but their characters do not. So, we should nit judge anyone or anything by the appearance. It is a great wisdom to realize that “Beauty Is In the Eye of The Beholder”

If we all are familiar about the proverb “All that Glitters is Not Gold”, then we would be aware that we cannot believe someone by their appearance. When we are in the light of wisdom outer beauty of a person will not drive us.  What makes a person attractive is the inner beauty.

People with inner beauty are those that love to make peace with everyone, take care of fellow beings and try to follow the path of justice.

How many of us remember the significance of physical beauty when we talk about King Maker Kamarajar? (Late Chief Minister Tamil Nadu).

Do we think physical appearance is important even after we hold Sports personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Mary Kom, Maria Sharapova and many others as our role models? We do not see the appearance of these people to keep them high as our inspiration. Their talents and achievements are incomparable and that is what has made them world famous. If we think they have become famous by their beauty then it is our foolishness

The legends who have lived and made us realize the importances of inner beauty are: Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. Nelson Mandela is a great man known for his sacrifice Mandela was willing to sacrifice in order bring equality and get equal rights for the Blacks in South Africa. He is definitely a legend with inner beauty. Mahatma Gandhi, who fought till death for Free India is a man of inner beauty. If we learn the sacrifice Mother Teresa made in her life to serve the poor, we will agree that Beauty lies inside not outside.

Only when we know what real beauty is, we will understand what we see in the outside is just a projection. What matters is the character inside. Like how we see a jack-fruit as a hard and rough fruits outside, but a sweet and yummy piece of delight inside, it is true that “Beauty Lies in the Eye of The Beholder”.

Contributed by Pravin More, a student of our Public Speaking Course.

What is most Important for Success- Knowledge, Power or Wealth?

At our learning centre, we recently held a discussion on- “What is important for success- knowledge, power or wealth?”

Importance of Power

The participants in the discussions were entrepreneurs, corporate executives, bankers and others. Different views were presented by the speakers. Some considered knowledge as most important factor. They enumerated examples of successful people who had risen from being unknown to highly rated successful individual by consistently acquiring knowledge and gainfully using it. Knowledge in such cases did not necessarily mean any university degree or such other qualification. Knowledge, here, denotes application of mind of the practical knowledge received through any medium and using the same for earning name, fame and wealth. Steve Jobs is one such example. Our own Dhirubhai Ambani is another. Even Warren Buffet’s story is no different. It is rags to riches. While academic Knowledge has also helped lots of people to become successful and famous.

Importance of Power

The role of power in success, too, cannot be undermined. Politicians achieve power and then use the same to achieve greater power. This is how power helps them to be successful. In the present scenario, a powerful politician can introduce his/her son or daughter to become a nominated leader and in the process achieve success in politics. Many politicians, today, are following this model of leadership succession. Likewise, a powerful bureaucrat can use his power to help his friend relative to achieve success.

Importance of Wealth

Wealth can buy knowledge and power. So, one may say that if you have money, you can achieve any goal by hiring people, facilities to create any large project and achieve success.  But without Knowledge achieved through experience it is very difficult to see the success of a large project. Political leaders can no doubt introduce their wards in leadership succession through the power they wield, but unless they   ensure that the latter gain sufficient experience, the entrant may not be successful.  Knowledge acquired through experience alone will bring success to them. Here too, Knowledge gained with experience becomes important. Power alone will not work.
So, the fact of the matter is that knowledge learnt through studies or gained through experience is indeed very important in any field.
But, it needs to be remembered that the meaning of success has to be defined by each and every individual in his/her own terms.
How should one do that? That will be a subject of another post.

Thank you. for Reading ?

Four Foremost Facets of a Powerful Speech

Speech which doesn’t influence is without any significance and is best avoided. The speech has been a subject of importance ever since the society became cultured.  The great speakers were poor speakers at one time. It is a myth that speech or powerful speaking is a God-given quality. The nature of speech is dynamic and can be developed with personal efforts.  The capacity and talent of great speech must be created. One needs to buckle down. It’s better to hone your speaking skills under direction of a capable coach.
Public Speaking is not a need for just for the political pioneers or motivational speakers. The capability in this ability should be produced by everybody who needs to advance and who needs to keep up his/her confidence. The idea is presently stretched out even to talking one on one or to a gathering or to your relatives.

The hidden characteristics required are:

1. Articulation: It alludes to the lucidity in discourse. One must be in a situation to express obviously whatever is there as a main priority. Syllables can be articulated accurately just with the skilled utilization of discourse organs.
2. Speech Organs: We have 5 discourse organs. These are: jaw, tongue, teeth, lips and palette. Wherever some of these are not utilized enough, lucidity is traded off.
3. Eye Contact: The speaker needs to hold the consideration of the audience/audience members. This can be accomplished by looking at the gathering of people. You should associate whether you are addressing one individual or to a huge crowd. Keeping up an eye to eye connection is vital.
4. Coordination between mind and speech: Human cerebrum thinks 10 times quicker than the discourse. Coordination between the brain and speech is of prime significance. Intermittently the speaker is at a misfortune to locate the correct word. While talking it causes bobbles amid the discourse. This occurs because of insufficient coordination. It can be accomplished with training.

Age, no bar!

 It is a deception that the ability should be produced at a beginning period. Age is no bar to create convincing talking ability. Here I might want to relate a current contextual investigation.
One of my understudies (in his late 60s) said that amid his life he never could address in excess of 1 individual at once. A jeweler by calling, he resigned and gave over the business to his children. With a desire to offer back to the general public, he began a NGO. Because of his contacts, he could accumulate enough subsidizes. His commitment to the reason empowered him to do great work in his town in Gujarat. At whatever point a task would be finished he would confront the “most concerning issue in his life”. Constantly individuals would request that he say few words and that was the “most serious issue”.
In light of the aforementioned impulse, he was persuaded to take in broad daylight talking in the wake of resigning from business. A powerful urge empowered him to rehearse hard. In this manner he took an interest in different courses and now he is an expert public speaker.
Life has changed. It is moving to a great degree quick. Snail mail has been supplanted by email. Eager business pioneers need things to happen ‘yesterday’. Telecom upset and web has changed the guidelines of the diversion so far as correspondence is concerned.

Four Possibilities of Communication:

Presently let us look at four conceivable blends of talking and tuning in. This will empower us to comprehend what correspondence can do to our lives and to our association.

Possibility No 1: Effective talking however poor tuning in.

In the event that this is the pioneer’s qualities the outcomes could be as under:
It will build your core interest. You may have produced great devotees and great fighters. Be that as it may, the potential pioneers will take off. There will be for all intents and purposes no development. Feelings of anxiety will likewise be increments.

Probability No 2: Effective talking and undivided attention.

This is the ideal blend for the Leader. The focal point of the pioneer and of the association will stay in the front line. Things will happen quickly. Devotion of representatives will increment. Utilization of brain and capacity to appreciate the work will acquire more leaps forward, more advancement. Individuals will work together with each other and furthermore contend with each other. The best will bloom with the pioneer’s powerful discourse and undivided attention. An environment of maintainable initiative will win.

Possibility No. 3: Poor talking however undivided attention.

It will add up to absence of core interest. Additionally, exercise in futility and cash. There will be pushed on administration by boards of trustees. Individuals may get the feeling that anything goes.
In the interim, undivided attention will likewise bring about positives. The worker will turn out to be more self-communicated. Use of brain by them will increment. There would be more noteworthy advancement.

Plausibility No. 4: Poor talking and poor tuning in.

It will be only moderate demise. The demise of material factories can be credited to this disorder. Misjudging, clashes will run, and openings will be remembered fondly. There would be a high rate of wearing down. Separation will bring about fracture lastly elimination.
Simply scrutinizing the above conceivable outcomes would shake us from our sleep. The significance of correspondence will then be completely figured it out. In this way, I will manage the two parts of correspondence – great talking and great tuning in.

Great or Effective Speaking:

As a matter of first importance, it is necessary to have solid substance. Content is the King. Viable correspondence considers more than some other part of administration or even life. Content means space learning. You can’t trick individuals with shallow contemplations, substantially less awe them. A ton of diligent work goes into procuring learning. The most serious issue is seen when you have beneficial learning yet you can’t utilize it further bolstering your good fortune because of the absence of compelling discourse. Your appearance stays debilitated. Individuals would scarcely realize that you are a storage facility of valuable data.
At that point, what would it be a good idea for you to do? Turn into a decent speaker. Practice the craftsmanship and exploration of talking obviously, unhesitatingly and convincingly.
How would you talk unmistakably? You should comprehend that discourse is the aftereffect of choice to convey. In the first place thought clears up the thought you need to extend to the audience or to a gathering of audience members. At that point the mind sends a flag to the lungs and some breath is discharged. Breath strikes the vocal harmonies to deliver sound. However, the words are made by the discourse organs. So with a specific end goal to talk unmistakably, think obviously. Develop profound breathing with the goal that the lungs have adequate breath to help the quality of your voice. This will likewise empower you to talk longer sentences without taking in the middle. The stream of discourse will empower thoughts to stream easily.

Undivided attention:

Correspondence does not mean just viable talking. Actually, it is the starting point. In any case, considerably more imperative is undivided attention. Undivided attention will realize the outcomes that you are searching for when you are speaking with somebody or a gathering of audience members. How might you impact others? By tuning in, rather than by talking. How would you discover whether you are a decent motivator to your audience or not? I give beneath a check list which is plain as day:
  1. Don’t consider what you will state next when someone else is talking. Simply center on understanding and acclimatizing what he/she needs to state.
  2. You must tune in with a receptive outlook. Try not to attempt to co-relate your own particular comparable experience when somebody is relating a story in help of his contention. You propensity to assess ought to be given an interruption. Never be judgmental, as it’s been said.
  3. When you are tuning in, endeavor to reproduce rationally what the other individual is stating unbiased.
  4. Try to see things from the speaker’s perspective. Understand be merciful while tuning in.
  5. Try to reveal the plan of the speaker. All speakers may not be laconic. Their verbosity may require some additional your part to comprehend the goal. Endeavor.
  6. Think what comes about you can deliver through listening instead of through talking. In the event that you need to impact individuals, you will be flabbergasted to watch how listening proves to be useful.
  7. Listen a moment longer than it is agreeable. That additional moment will give you additional info. Regardless, you are having a discourse for understanding the other’s perspective.
  8. Last yet not the slightest, you should recall that your expressions of counsel will be viewed as baseless clamor. Never give a guidance unless requested. On the off chance that you are not persuaded and the circumstance requests that you should express your perspectives, do that idiom – we settle on a truce!

Think before you talk:

Older folks used to state that straightforward old ‘idioms’ can control you to carry on with a fruitful life. One such saying in Hindi is “Pehle Tol Phir Bol”.
Strict interpretation in English would be “First measure at that point talk”.
Strict English interpretation is somewhat unbalanced and does not pass on the plan. “Think before you talk” as well, as indicated by me doesn’t convey a similar importance and is fairly ineffectual. “Before talking a couple of words one must think about the impacts and their future effect” seems to pass on the idea behind the same, however it doesn’t appear to convey conviction.
Why there is such a great amount of significance of ‘considering’ or reflecting before talking? What number of us is extremely following this straightforward standard? It is said that the tongue which is the main organ of discourse mends greatly quick. In any case, the injuries that it can make in the brain of the audience at times never recuperate.

Discourse Blemishes that Wreck Confidence

Discourse was never as essential as it is currently. Today, it’s vital that business pioneers must have the capacity to talk plainly and viably. There are various discourse imperfections which cause shame while making introductions. Now and again an official in a critical discussion gets himself/herself not exactly ‘up to the stamp’. This is best stayed away from. I list underneath 7 of the imperfections which should be tended to.
  1. Lack of lucidity in discourse: Often times we find that the discourse of a man isn’t as eloquent as it ought to be. At some point they talk too quick; in some cases they murmur a few words in a sentence. Despite the fact that general message is imparted however clarity becomes a missing virtue.
Thanks for reading.

6 Reasons Why We Lose Commonsense!

Common sense has become an uncommon virtue, today. It is said that common sense is not gift any more but it is punishment! Why? Because, the person with common sense has to deal with people who are without it, mostly! Yet, for sure, in spite of talent and hard work you can hardly reach your goal without this simple precious merit.
Why has common sense become uncommon? There are many social, business and environmental reasons.
Let us try to find when` one loses commonsense.
1               When people consider that they are super intelligent, they lose perspective. Where there is no perspective, there is no commonsense. Thus, ego is the worst enemy of common sense. Application of mind is difficult. But judging is not. So people don’t try to apply mind but they choose a simpler way and they prefer not to understand, but to judge. You must be self aware and ready to learn. Knowledge is limitless but thinking that you know all shows lack of common sense.
2              When we start to explain away our obvious mistakes, the situation betrays lack of common sense. Instead of learning from the experience one tends to reinforce the mistakes. Habits die hard and commonsense also tells us so. We must learn from every mistake that we make. Mistakes are made but if the same mistake is repeated it shows our apathy towards improvement.
3              Even when religion is followed dogmatically, we lose commonsense. This does not mean that we should not respect our religion. It only means that we must not follow anything blindly. When we properly understand our religion, there will be greater respect.
4              Overpowered by the carnal desire, one loses total sense leave alone common! At times, strong desires also make you lose commonsense. Because, You do not consider repercussions of your actions.. Self awareness and you decisions to maintain your perspective will not allow such an occurrence to takeplace.
5              There is another reason- we start comparing ourselves with others. Comparison is odious. Mostly people compare their plight with those who are better off. They think why they are left behind when they are equally talented and hardworking.  It is not possible to understand and assess the true reasons of a successful person. So it is best never to compare oneself with another.
6              Lastly when you try to please everyone you lose common sense. You may harm your interest inorder to please someone. You may not even realize it. Sometimes, pleasing others becomes habit that causes losses more than gains. And we know that habits tend to stay with you long enough.
So friends, whenever you find yourself in mess, just try to locate your common sense!
Thanks for reading.

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