The Bhagavad Gita Talks 40

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 7, 2017)
May the Lord of Love, who projects himself
Into the universe of myriad forms
Through maya, from whom all beings come,
To whom all beings finally return,
May he grant us grace of wisdom.
He is the fire and the sun, and the moon
And the stars. He is the air and the sea,
And the creator Prajapati.
He is this boy, he is that girl; he is
This man, he is that woman, and he is
This old man, too, tottering on his staff.
His face is seen everywhere.
He is this blue bird, he is the green bird
With red eyes; he is the thundercloud, and
He is the seasons and the seas; he has
No beginning, he has no end. He is
The source from whom all the worlds evolve.
In this event, our learning from the above passage need to be:
Comparison is odious. We must not harbor any envy, jealousy, enmity with anyone else. Because this is the root cause of our dissatisfaction with life, our unhappiness! Peace can never come unless we cease to compare ourselves with others.  All beings are His different forms. We need to accept; we need to respect. Nevertheless, it should, in no way, stop our pursuit of excellence. Personal development and ability to forge ahead than others is nothing less than a service to humanity, and therefore, a service to the Lord Almighty.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 6, 2017)
This is the teaching of Uddalaka to Shvetaketu, his son:
As by knowing one lump of clay, dear one,
We come to know all things made out of clay –
That they differ only in name and form,
While the stuff of which all are made is clay;
As by knowing one gold nugget, dear one,
We come to know all things made out of gold –
That they differ only in name and form,
While the stuff of which all are made is gold;
As by knowing one tool of iron, dear one,
We come to know all things made out of iron –
That they differ only in name and form,
While the stuff of which all are made is iron –
So through spiritual wisdom, dear one,
We come to know that all of life is one.
In the beginning was only Being,
One without a second,
Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos,
And entered into everything, in it.
Why Have any Ego? Yet Move Forward Every Moment. That Is Your Duty!
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 39

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 5, 2017)
Self-defeating Ego
The most potent hidden enemy of anyone is ego. It is subtle, rarely recognized, never accepted. Yet, this capricious ego scuttles our efforts to stay on the road-map to achieve our goals, time & again. The passage below explicitly explains the main characteristic of ego. The passage is taken from The Katha Upanishad.
In the secret cave of the heart, two are
Seated by life’s fountain. The separate ego
Drinks of the sweet and bitter stuff,
Liking the sweet, disliking the bitter,
While the supreme self drinks sweet and bitter
Neither liking this nor disliking that.
The ego gropes in darkness, while the self
Lives in light. So declare the illumined sages,
And the householders who worship
The sacred fire in the name of the Lord.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 4, 2017)
Perennial Joy
The joy of the spirit ever abides,
But not what seems pleasant to the senses.
Both these, differing in their purpose, prompt us
To action. All is well for those who choose
The joy of the spirit, but they miss
The goal of life who prefer the pleasant.
Perennial joy or passing pleasure?
This is the choice one is to make always.
The wise recognize this, but not
The ignorant. The first welcome what leads to joy
Abiding, ever though painful at the time.
The latter run, goaded by their senses,
After what seems immediate pleasure.
Well have you renounced these passing pleasures
So dear to the senses, Nachiketa,
And turned your back on the way of the world
Which makes mankind forget the goal of life?
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 38

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 3, 2017)
The Inner Ruler
The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all.
The Lord is the supreme reality.
Rejoice in him through renunciation.
Covet nothing. All belongs to the Lord.
Thus working may you live a hundred years.
Thus alone can you work in full freedom.
Those who deny the self are born again
Blind to the self, enveloped in darkness,
Utterly devoid of love for the Lord.
The self is one. Ever still, the self is
Swifter than thought, swifter than the senses.
Though motionless, he outruns all pursuit.
Without the self, never could life exist.
The self seems to move, but is ever still.
He seems far away, but is ever still.
He is within all, and he transcends all.
Lord yourself self is nothing but Almighty himself!

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 2, 2017)
Reflections by the great saint- KABIR
The unstruck Bells & Drums
The Lord is in me, the Lord is in you,
as life is there in every seed.
O servant! Put false pride away
And seek for him within you.
A million suns are ablaze with light,
The sea of blue spreads in the sky,
The fever of life is stilled, and all stains
are washed away
When I sit in the midst of that world,
Hark to the unstruck bells and drums!
Take your delight in love!
Rains pour down without water,
and the rivers are streams of light.
One love it is that pervades the whole world;
few there are who know it fully:
They are blind who hope to see it by the light of reason,
that reason which is the cause of separation –
The house of reason is very far away!
Transcendental wisdom by saint rare to find today!
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 37

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 1, 2017)
Those who know do not speak;
Those who speak do not know.
Stop up the openings,
Close down the doors,
Rub off the sharp edges.
Unravel all confusion.
Harmonize the light,
Give up contention:
This is called finding the unity of life.
When love and hatred cannot affect you,
Profit and loss cannot touch you,
Praise and blame cannot ruffle you,
You are honored by the entire world.
In The Bhagavad Gita, these are the qualities of the ‘Sthir Budhi Purush’, explained in different language, which according to me, is easier to understand, more effective and comprehensive.

Thought4TheDay (Nov. 30, 2017)
United in Heart
May we be united in heart.
May we be united in speech.
May we be united in mind.
May we perform our duties
As did the wise of old.
May we be united in our prayer.
May we be united in our goal.
May we be united in our resolve.
May we be united in our understanding.
May we be united in our offerings.
May we be united in our feelings.
May we be united in our hearts.
May we be united in our thoughts.
May there be perfect unity amongst us.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 36

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Nov. 25, 2017)
Lord Krishna refers to many gods who are worshiped by people for their different wishes or goals. He further says that the devotee who worship concentrating on what they want achieve the same by the grace of the god they worship. The question of many gods has been creating many doubts in the minds of many. However, these doubts are highly misplaced and betray gross ignorance. As has been repeated in The Bhagavad Gita, Lord Almighty is omnipresent. He is present everywhere and in everyone. Thus His presence empowers gods who are also His creations. In Hindu traditions if an individual wants wealth, he worships Goddess Lakshmi. If he wants power, he would invoke the grace of Goddess Durga. Likewise for the other human desires.
Popular authors and philosophers the world over profess that you can achieve anything that you may strongly desire. In fact the strength of these desires make us take such actions consistently that the desired objectives are achieved. When we invoke the benevolence of celestial forces our efforts are further strengthened. We achieve wealth, power, reputation or knowledge with our sweat and perseverance for which we receive power through our worship.
Thought4TheDay (Nov. 24, 2017)
In a way The Bhagavad Gita represents the dictum, ‘Faith Conquers All’. But if we look around in the world today, we observe that faith and trust have become rare commodities. In fact, we observe that it is not for no reason that the situation is what it is.
Can students have faith in the education system? Can they trust teachers? Can bankers trust the borrowers? Conversely, can entrepreneurs trust that the bankers will fund the valid enterprise purely on merits without some personal interest? People have lost faith in their chosen representatives. Are they to be blamed for that?
Are doctors pursing ‘the noble profession’ and living up to the trust that patients are compelled to have in their ‘nobility’? And what about  hospitals? And what about their fat bills?
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 35

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Nov.22, 2017)
Lord Krishna said, “Kuntiputra Arjuna, at the end of human life, whichever aspect is remembered by the dying man, he assumes the same in the next birth. The simple reason for this is that he remained influenced with the particular aspect throughout his life.”
Our future is determined by what we think and what we do from moment to moment throughout the life. Unless we make conscious effort consistently, it’s very difficult to bring in significant change of any kind. Thus, unless consistent efforts are made to bring about any change, it’s hardly possible to achieve the desired results. Your attitude to life, your habits and your actions can change only if these are pursued constantly. There is only one way to achieve success in life and it is the hard way. One has to be self aware at all times and try to bring about the desired change. There is no quick fix. Pursued wholeheartedly and patiently, indeed, anything can be achieved, but one has to be prepared to pay the price of perseverance.
Thought4TheDay (Nov. 21, 2017)
Lord Krishna told Arjuna.
All living beings are born out of grains. Rains are the reason for the growth of grains. ‘Yajna’ brings about rains. And ‘yajna’ is performed by the human beings as a part of their duty. The Vedas are responsible for all efforts towards duty. And the Almighty alone has created the Vedas (holy scriptures). This amply establishes that the omnipotent Almighty is always present amidst the ‘yajnas’.
The progress of society depends on, among other things, the performance of philanthropic people’s activities related to ‘yajna’. These are carried out as devotion to the Lord Almighty for the betterment of all His Creations.
Distribution of a part of an individual’s wealth is a kind of ‘yajna’. The concept of C.S.R. or corporate social responsibility is also ‘yajna’. The real intent behind all NGOs is also the same. It is sad that such funds are sometimes misused for selfish motives or even worse some nefarious activities.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 34

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (Nov. 20, 2017)
We humans are all individuals. We are different in our response to the circumstances, adverse or favourable; our habits are different and so is our conduct. Even twins raised in the same house, given same education are never identical in their thinking or their actions.
We find some of us are extremely sensitive to the sufferings of other fellow humans, while there are also other people who draw sadistic pleasure when others suffer. Both extremes are undesirable and should be considered as misfits in the society. To be human is commendable. But, at times, such humane people are faced with difficult situations. Their duty involves certain actions which inflict some kind of pain on others.
These highly emotional people neither can perform their duty appropriate nor can they save others from some pain small or big.
The message of The Bhagavad Gita is to perform your duty to the best of your ability under all circumstances.
Thought4TheDay (Nov. 19, 2017)
The dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna, in The Bhagavad Gita, is about life, one’s duty, the role in society, how to live life, how to handle human emotions and various other physical and spiritual aspects of life. When we go through the book, we find that there is no scope to postpone doing anything that needs to be done at a particular moment. The quest for knowledge doesn’t allow us to be unaware of our duty at any given time.
But in real life today, procrastination appears to have inflicted our society to such an extent that it appears like any other normal human habit. In fact, it is not; it’s our worst enemy. It doesn’t allow us to grow. Our personal development suffers a serious setback. But more importantly, our self esteem is diminished. A habitual procrastinator is never able to respect himself/herself.
How would anybody else respect you if you have little or inadequate self respect. The procrastinators suffer in many ways, like:

  1. Productivity becomes low; allowed work is rarely done in time.
  2. They develop a negative attitude. They find reasons of failures by blaming others or due to adverse circumstances.
  3. They are unable to fight their own battles of life.
  4. Unable to be at peace with themselves.

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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 33

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.
Thought4TheDay (Nov.13, 2017)
“The soul is never born nor it ever dies; that is also not true that soul comes into existence only when a person is born. Soul is unborn, it is eternal, everlasting. It doesn’t have a beginning, it doesn’t have an end. The body is slain, but the soul is not.”
When we realize and believe that the soul does not perish; death is only moving out of one body to another, we would not be afraid of death. And, if we keep that in mind always, we would not be doing something against our conscience. The message that the soul is immortal will also help us to dedicate our efforts for the good of humanity. So the benefits are:

  1. Not afraid of death
  2. Realization that we are here for a limited time.
  • Continuity of life encourages to do out duty honestly.
  1. Success is achieved when we perform our duty to the best of our ability. We strive to perform better.
  2. Such performance will bring better results and help us to be at peace

Thought4TheDay (Nov. 12, 2017)
“I am the gamble of the cheats. I am the clout of the influential ones. I am the victory of the victors. I am the decision of the decisive. And, I am the ‘satvik tatava of the noble persons.”
The message that the above words of Lord Krishna give to the readers of The Bhagavad Gita is that whatever you may do, utilise the very best in you. Apply your mind. Thinking ability is the great powerhouse that enables an individual to scale any heights. Resources that are given to us to be utilised in all our activities, at all times. It’s only when we leverage our strengths that we achieve the best results. Modern management gurus are just repeating the wisdom of our- The Bhagavad Gita, the greatest book of knowledge.
Read The Bhagavad Gita. Gain knowledge. Spread knowledge. Picture shows the most notable propagator Swami Vivekananda with his associates.
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Voice Modulation

Voice modulation is necessary for making your speech interesting. If someone is speaking without modulating his/her voice, they will sound like people who are not concerned whither you listen to them or not Voice modulation makes your listeners listen to you.
What is voice modulation? And how do we imbibe voice modulation techniques in our personality? These and various other aspects of voice modulation form an integral part of our unique voice modulation and public speaking course.


First of all let us understand the meaning of Voice modulation. The dictionary meaning of the word ‘modulation’ when referred to voice implies, regulating the voice as per requirement of your speech. Thus, you must bring in change in pace, pause and pitch while speaking. Without modulation, your speech will be flat and monotonous. Further, you must also change the emphasis on the keyword and the tone to improve the efficacy of your speech.

Objectives of Voice Modulation:

The following 3 objectives are Critical. 1) To enable the listener to understand you fully. 2) To enable you to express your ideas effectively. 3) To ensure that you are not repetitive or verbose. There would be many more benefits of voice modulation, but these 3 must be remembered so that you will always try to bring about a well modulated speech. During one on one conversation as well as speaking to a group or even speaking in public.

Techniques of voice modulation:

Speech is a matter of habit. Habits change very hard. Therefore, unless we use highly effective techniques of voice modulation, the results will be for from satisfactory. Through various innovative modulation exercises we train our students to learn these techniques. Repetitive process enable the trainees to imbibe voice modulation practice in their day to day speech.

 Who should practice Voice Modulation?

The one word answer to the question is: ‘Everybody’. Because everyone wants to express himself/herself clearly. Everyone wants that people should be impressed by their well modulated speech. Because everybody wants views. Thus voice modulation is vital for public speakers, those who want to make presentations and all those who want to succeed in influencing people.
Thanks for reading.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 32

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Nov. 11, 2017)
Two beautiful similes describe how knowingly or foolishly the humans who fail to realise what they rush towards their end and losing their own identity. These are:

  1. ” Just like the water of a river naturally flows towards the sea where it merges, so do warriors of this mortal world are rushing into your flaming mouths.” said Arjuna, being amazed at looking at the Virat Swaroop of Lord Krishna. He continued:
  2. ” As moths rush with great speed speed into the blazing fire for extinction out of their folly, even so all these people are seen entering rapidly into your mouths to meet their end, their doom.”

Similarly humans who are intoxicated with their success, particularly those who exploit others have to come to an end which they little realise.
Thought4TheDay (Nov. 8, 2017)
Arjuna is bewildered at seeing the ‘divine form’ of Lord Krishna. He says: ” Seeing Your frightful faces on account of teeth flaring like fire at the time of universal destruction. I am utterly bewildered and find myself totally confused. Be kind to me.
All those sons of Dhrtarastra with hosts of kings are entering You. Bhishma, Drona and Karna, with the principal warriors on our side as well, are rushing headlong into Your fearful mouths looking all the more terrible on account of their teeth: some are seen stuck up in the gaps between Your teeth with their heads crushed.” The universal form of Lord Krishna frightens Arjuna who requests Him to return to His human form.
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