How to Brighten Your Personality to Realise Your Dreams?

Pages from my forthcoming book, ‘PowerPacked Personality’ for Your FREE reading!

 In your life, you alone are responsible for your success and status in society. So if you want to realize your dream, the first thing you have to is to describe it vividly. It should be so clear that you can see it closing your eyes. This is like defining where you want to go. Obviously, if you don’t know your destination, how will you reach there. That brings us to the most critical question in life which is that of Goals.

What are Goals?

Anything that we do in life, we spend our precious time and money must bring about desired results. But often it does not happen. Why? Do we always try to figure out the reasons? If not, then why not? Because our goals are not clear. Because our desire to achieve the results is not so strong.
So what should we do? Sit back and think that everything will be alright? Or, that our luck is bad? No!
We must clearly define what we want to achieve. Write these clearly on our diary/journal. Make it known to the friends, family members, peers wherever it is necessary. Particularly to our well wishers. When we make our goals known to others, we become more committed.
Then, we should create a strong desire within us to achieve our goals. We need to contemplate on these as often as possible. Further, we need to plan how to achieve our goals. Work out the plan and write it down. Spend some time, contribute something, however small, daily towards achievement of what you want to do in life. It is worth it. And, you will be surprised to find how effective this process is for achieving what you want.
Goals should be short-term, medium-term, and long-term. In other words, what you want to achieve in the current year, next five years, ten years, twenty years, etc. Never think about obscurity of the future and changing times. Instead think that I have the ‘right’ and possibility of modifying my goals as per the needs of the changing times.
Furthermore, you need to work about a practical plan to achieve each of your goals. This should be backed up with action, your genuine effort to follow the plan. Life will be a lot more meaningful when the goals are well-defined and the plan to achieve these is followed.

Types of Personal Goals:

Setting your goals defines significance of your life. Your self-esteem will go up surely if you passionately try to follow your goals. There are 7 different types of goals which need to be defined. It is not about money or career only.  Below are the 7 different types of goals which may be clearly defined and written. These are:

  1. Health Goals: Health is of prime importance, indeed. Yet many times it has been found that even common principles of maintaining good health are ignored. As per our scriptures a human is made to live about 100 years. When we look after our health properly we may live close to that age or even overstep it. But if we are not careful, life may shorten to any extent. If you love your life and want to live longer, set your health goals. Also prepare and follow the plan to lead a healthy life.
  2. Career Goals: Career goals are undoubtedly extremely important. Any educated individual would like to progress in the career he/she is pursuing. But often it is only a wish. The best thing to do is to write down specifically what you want to achieve. This may mean – define the position and also define the timeline.
  3. Financial Goals: Though finance and career are closely connected, yet it is necessary to specify separately your financial goals. Again, these should be time bound according to your needs, your family requirements and your social obligations. If necessary, consult a financial adviser and then carve out your own plan.
  4. Family Goals: We all want to lead a happy family life- within our own nuclear family, extended family and relatives. Even today there are examples of joint families living together happily. Maintaining good relations require you to be proficient in interpersonal skills. It’s necessary to use discretion in speech even with your spouse, children, parents etc. Not only the words but the way how you speak is important. When you have set your goals you have greater chances to keep on improving in this direction.
  5. Social Goals: Everyone would like to be a respected member of the society. Whether it is neighborhood or a club, or an association, you would like to build up your reputation. This can be achieved with necessary efforts provided you have stated your specific goals.
  6. Hobby Goals: It is recommended that everyone must pursue at least one hobby. It’s investing in an activity for your own self. Music, theater, dance, painting is example of common hobbies. But it could also be collecting stamps, artifacts, antiques etc. Just as per your fancy, follow a hobby.
  7. Spiritual Goals: Last but not the least; we should define the spiritual goals. We all know that we don’t have to live on this earth forever. During stay here often we may think about how we like to be remembered. Think about how we should face the eternal force of which know very little. That is why people follow their own religion, which should be a united force. Religion helps to maintain our peace of mind. So we must note down our specific spiritual goals.

All the above goals are meaningless unless we write these down, make a plan to pursue each goal and execute that plan. The goals may be reviewed and modified as per the requirements of changing times.

Setting Your Goals:

Just imagine a football playground without goals. How can anyone play the match in the absence of goals on both sides? Unless there is a target what can you shoot at? Unless the teacher explains what kind of questions he is likely to face in the examination, how can the student prepare? Likewise, it’s not possible to achieve anything worthwhile without specifying your personal goals.  If you gave the archer a target and challenged him to hit the bull’s eye, the challenge motivates the shooter and makes him/her to do their best. You have to give anyone something to aim at, something to challenge his skills. Further, there must be defined parameters to measure the progress. That motivates a person, creates an interest which can sustain action and hard work.
That’s what a goal does to a person’s life, it motivates the person to achieve something worthwhile, something he or she desires. That brings about a big change in the attitude.  Every one is endowed with a precious gift of life, it’s our duty to make best use of it. You were given a life and you’ve been told ever since to, “live it.
Everybody in this world has a different set of circumstances, different set of skills, and a different set of opportunities through which they can interact with the world and find their unique sense of fulfillment.  You’re mission in life should be to figure out what your unique, “sets” are and how you can take action to best capitalize on them that gives all of your effort purpose and meaning.  Goals are the guiding light that get you there.
Take your time reading through the quotes below and the notes/remarks that follow. Think about these and reflect to work out what are your objectives. The exercise will help you specify what your goals should be as per your needs and desire. Since goals must be written as clearly as possible, it will also help you to make these articulate in your mind so that you can put it on paper clearly. Unless the goals are written in detail, these remain your wishes which have little meaning. Timeline is also critical in purposeful goal setting.

  1. “A goal properly set is halfway reached.” ~ Zig Ziglar
  2. “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” ~ Jim Rohn
  3. “It’s better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of the one you don’t.” ~ Stephen Kellogg
  4. “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” ~ Jim Rohn
  5. “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.” ~ Orison Swett Marden
  6. “The greater danger for most of us isn’t that our aim is too high and miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” ~ Michelangelo
  7. “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.” ~ J.C. Penney
  8. “Intention without action is an insult to those who expect the best from you.” ~ Andy Andrews
  9. “I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.” ~ Og Mandino
  10. “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” ~ Pablo Picasso
  11. “If you raise your standards but don’t really believe you can meet them, you’ve already sabotaged yourself. You won’t even try; you’ll be lacking the sense of certainty that allows you to tap the deepest capacity that’s within you… Our beliefs are like unquestioned commands, telling us how things are, what’s possible and impossible and what we can and can not do. They shape every action, every thought and every feeling that we experience. As a result, changing our belief systems is central to making any real and lasting change in our lives.” ~ Anthony Robbins
  12.  “My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose – somehow we always win out.” ~ Ronald Reagan

 Now it should be easy to specifically write down your goals. Take following steps:
Step One: Write down in clear terms what do you want to do.
 Step Two: Think many times to be sure of what you are thinking at the moment is really what you want.
 Step Three: Write down in specific terms what you have decided after thinking it over.
 Step Four: Check if your Goal are SMART where S stands for specific, M stands for measureable, A stands for achievable, R stands for ready, and T stands for time bound.
 In the following chapter you will understand how to make a plan to achieve your goals and the steps you need to take to implement the plan. At times, you may face some hurdles. What action you must take then is also explained.
 To be continued…

Progress: Individual’s achievement following principle perseverance

Yam imam puspitam vacham pravadantya vipashcitah
Veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah
Kamathmanah svarga-para janma-karma-phala-pradam
Kriya-visesa-bahulam bhogaisvarya-gatim prati
Bhogaisvarya-prasaktanam tayapahrita-chetasam
Vyavasayatmika buddhih samadhau na vidhiyate
“Arjun, those who are today involved and attached to worldly
pleasures; those who only see the results of the efforts and,
those who consider heaven alone as the most sought after final
destination; these mundane people use artificial and affected
language. They are the ones who indulge in hankering after
riches, comforts and pleasures and use various means and
methods to obtain these. They are absolutely attached with such actions and thoughts
and these blemishes overpower their minds. They do not possess
the decisive power to appreciate God, the Almighty.”

Most of our woes occur due to attachment with the transient worldly possessions. This happens due to lack of proper perspective in life. It can show up also due to envy with peers or others in the same space. The tendency is not to analyze to find out the correct reasons why we are left behind. Or, at times, there could be some inherent personality shortcomings which put a spanner in the wheel of our progress. Yoga of Bhagavd Gita can bring about total transformation in personal perceptions. Meditation on each shaloka can show us the path of true spirituality. The lesson of life that we learn helps to change or attitude to personal progress. Perpetual, persistent efforts to achieve our goals adds a meaning to our life. Progress of our enterprise enhances our self esteem. In a sense the wisdom of the  great book of knowledge teaches us how to live a stress free life and be successful at the same time.

The rat race which is pervading among professionals, students and even among housewives is in fact the culprit. It is sad. But it is the reality which we have to accept and find a way to mitigate the ill effects. It’s totally wrong to think that material progress is not something that we should pursue. Growth of any enterprise depends on how we plan our enterprise. The professional help, focus and consistent efforts are all essential. In fact without perseverance, nothing worthwhile can ever be achieved. But when you are doing this, by no means it may be construed that you are attached to the material possessions and therefore you are making all these efforts. Far from it, it is your contribution to the development in the world. It is your dedication that the humanity at large will be thankful to you. The only caution is that the means should be fair. Intent should never be to progress at the cost of some other human beings The progress of society depends on the success of leaders. Individuals who go an extra mile to do something which eventually.
Read The Bhagavad Gita daily not as a part of your worship but with an objective of removing the personality glitches to achieve peace of mind and live life significantly.
My translation of the great book of management in English will be found very useful as the language used is very simple. Please go to Amazon and type ‘Satish Kakri’ to buy it. Wishing you all the best.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 48

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 28, 2017)
Great Life-Giving Spirit
Great Spirit of love, come to me with the power of the North.
Make me courageous when the cold winds of life fall upon me.
Give me strength and endrything that hurts,
that is harsh, everything that hurts,
everything that makes me squint.
Make me move through life
ready to take what comes from the North.
Spirit who comes out of the East,
come to me with the power of the rising sun.
Let there be light in my word.
Let there be light on the path that I walk.
Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day.
Never let me be burdened with sorrow by not starting over.
Great Spirit of creation,
send me the warm and soothing winds from the South.
Comfort me and caress me when I am tired and cold.
Enfold me as your gentle breezes enfold your leaves
on the trees.
And as you give to all the earth your warm, moving wind,
Give to me so that I may grow close to you in warmth.
Thought4TheDay (Dec. 27, 2017)
Do Not Look with Fear
Do not look with fear
on the changes and chances of this life;
rather look to them with full faith that as they arise,
God – whose you are – will deliver you out of them.
He has kept you hitherto.
Do not but hold fast to His dear hand,
and He will lead you safely through all things;
and when you cannot stand, He will bear you
in His arms.
Do not anticipate what will happen tomorrow.
The same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will take care of you tomorrow and every day.
Either He will shield you from suffering or
He will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts
and imaginations.
There is an underlined unity between both the thoughts even though these are drawn from different sources. Both refer to our spiritual life. Both are based on the Yoga of The Bhagavad Gita. Both describe life as a mix of pleasure and pain. Both deliver the ultimate wisdom of Gita. Spirituality expressed in both the quotes gives us an inimitable life’s lesson; that one need to rise above the momentary emotions of pleasure and pain. Both are based on Hindu scriptures. Hindu philosophy does not bind us to any dos and don’ts. Instead it just serves as a guide. It professes meditation which is a means to know oneself. Just like the modern SWOFT analysis through detailed Arjuna Krishna dialogue The Bhagavad Gita inspires us to strengthen our character and follow the path of performing our duty to the best of our ability to find peace with oneself. Peace of mind is the topmost quality that we need to aspire according to Hare Krishna.
Read The Bhagavad Gita. Buy the priceless book from Amazon by clicking:

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 47

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 23, 2017)
The Mirror of This World
Every particle of the world is a mirror,
In each atom lies the blazing light
of a thousand suns.
Cleave the heart of a raindrop,
a hundred pure oceans will flow forth.
Look closely at a grain of sand,
The seed of a thousand beings can be seen.
The foot of an ant is larger than an elephant;
In essence, a drop of water
is no different than the Nile.
In the heart of a barley-corn
lies the fruit of a hundred harvests;
Within the pulp of a millet seed
an entire universe can be found.
In the wing of a fly, an ocean of wonder;
In the pupil of the eye, an endless heaven.
Though the inner chamber of the heart is small,
the Lord of both worlds
gladly makes his home there.
Thought4TheDay (Dec. 22, 2017)
The Best
The best, like water,
Benefit all and do not compete.
They dwell in lowly spots that everyone else scorns.
Putting others before themselves,
They find themselves in the foremost place
And come very near to the Tao.
In their heart, they love the earth;
In their heart, they love what is deep;
In personal relationships, they love kindness;
In their words, they love truth.
In the world, they love peace.
In personal affairs, they love what is right.
In action, they love choosing the right time.
It is because they do not compete with others
That they are beyond the reproach of the world.
There is an underlined unity between both the thoughts even though these are drawn from different sources. Both refer to our spiritual life. Both are based on the Yoga of The Bhagavad Gita. Both describe life as a mix of pleasure and pain. Both deliver the ultimate wisdom of Gita. Spirituality expressed in both the quotes gives us an inimitable life’s lesson; that one need to rise above the momentary emotions of pleasure and pain. Both are based on Hindu scriptures. Hindu philosophy does not bind us to any dos and don’ts. Instead it just serves as a guide. It professes meditation which is a means to know oneself. Just like the modern SWOFT analysis through detailed Arjuna Krishna dialogue The Bhagavad Gita inspires us to strengthen our character and follow the path of performing our duty to the best of our ability to find peace with oneself. Peace of mind is the topmost quality that we need to aspire according to Hare Krishna.
Read The Bhagavad Gita. Buy the priceless book from Amazon by clicking:

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 46

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 21, 2017)
What is Real Never Ceases
The self dwells in the house of the body,
Which passes through childhood, youth, and old age.
So passes the self at the time of death
Into another body. The wise know this truth
And are not deceived by it.
When the senses come in contact with sense-objects
They give rise to feelings of heat and cold,
Pleasure and pain, which come and go.
Accept them calmly, as do the wise.
The wise, which live free from pleasure and pain,
Are worthy of immortality.
What is real never ceases to be.
The unreal never is. The sages
Who realize the ‘self’ know the secret
Of what is and what is not.
Thought4TheDay (Dec. 20, 2017)
The Miracle of Illumination
As a blind man feel when he finds a pearl
in a dustbin, so am I amazed by the miracle
of Bodhi rising in my consciousness.
It is the nectar of immortality that delivers us from death
The treasure that lifts us above poverty into
the wealth of giving to life,
The tree that gives shade to us when we roam about
scorched by life,
The bridge that takes us across the stormy river of life,
The cool moon of compassion that calms our mind
when it is agitated.
The sun that dispels darkness,
The butter made from the milk of kindness
by churning it with the dharma.
It is a feast of joy to which all are invited.
There is an underlined unity between both the thoughts even though these are drawn from different sources. Both refer to our spiritual life. Both are based on the Yoga of The Bhagavad Gita. Both describe life as a mix of pleasure and pain. Both deliver the ultimate wisdom of Gita. Spirituality expressed in both the quotes gives us an inimitable life’s lesson; that one need to rise above the momentary emotions of pleasure and pain. Both are based on Hindu scriptures. Hindu philosophy does not bind us to any dos and don’ts. Instead it just serves as a guide. It professes meditation which is a means to know oneself. Just like the modern SWOFT analysis through detailed Arjuna Krishna dialogue The Bhagavad Gita inspires us to strengthen our character and follow the path of performing our duty to the best of our ability to find peace with oneself. Peace of mind is the topmost quality that we need to aspire according to Hare Krishna.
Read The Bhagavad Gita. Buy the priceless book from Amazon by clicking:

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 45

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 19, 2017)
God Makes the Rivers to Flow
“God makes the rivers to flow. They tire not,
nor do they cease from flowing.
May the river of my life flow into the sea of love,
that is the Lord.
May I overcome all the impediments in my course.
May the thread of my song be not cut before my life
merges in the sea of love.
Guard me against all dangers, O Lord.
Accept me graciously, O King of kings.
Release me from my sorrows, which hold me as ropes
hold a calf. I cannot even open my eyes without
the power of your love.
Guard us against the grief that haunts the life of the
selfish. Lead us from darkness into light.”
A beautiful invocation flowered with the simile of a river flowing. Life flows thus too. When we know where to go as our goals well defined, it strengthens our resolve to do what we need to do to realize aim of our life. Worldly progress but without attachment is no where denied; neither in the Rig Veda, nor in The Bhagavad Gita!

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 18, 2017)
Cross the River Bravely
Cross the river bravely; conquer all your passions.
Go beyond the world of fragments and know the
deathless ground of life.
Cross the river bravely; conquer all your passions.
Go beyond your likes and dislikes and all fetters
will fall away.
Who is a true Brahmin? That one I call a Brahmin
who has neither likes nor dislikes and is free from
the chains of fear.
Who is a true Brahmin? That one call a Brahmin
who has trained the mind to be still and reached the
supreme goal of life.
Bravery gives you courage to face turbulence of life squarely.  Desires and emotions weaken the mind and need to be kept under control. This in no way means renouncing life. It doesn’t even mean that you should not have and pursue your goals. Keeping control over your emotions will only help in your ability to achieve your goals.
Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 44

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 16, 2017)
Mother of All Things
The universe had a beginning
Called the Mother of All Things.
Once you have found the Mother
You can know her children.
Having known the children.
Hold tightly to the Mother.
Your whole life will be preserved from peril.
Open up the openings,
Multiply your affairs,
Your whole life will become a burden.
Those who see the small are called clear-headed;
Those who hold to gentleness are called strong.
Use the light.
Come home to your true nature.
Don’t cause yourself injury:
This is known as seizing truth.
The stress today is due to people seeing big only and loosing the sight. Mother will never wish that for her children. World is what it is. Ups and downs are intertwined in life. Realistic goals will help to see small, maintain gentleness, and remain in control. And that is your true strength. The Bhagavad Gita also teaches the same among so many other things.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 15, 2017)
The City of Brahman
In the city of Brahman is a secret dwelling, the lotus of the heart. Within this dwelling is a space, and within that space is the fulfillment of our desires. What is within that space should be longed for and realized.
As great as the infinite space infinite space beyond is the space within the lotus of the heart. Both heaven and earth are contained in that inner space, fire and air, sun and moon, lightning and stars. Whether we know it in this world or know it not, everything is contained in that inner space.
Never fear that old age will invade that city; never fear that this inner treasure of all reality will wither and decay. This knows no age when the body ages; this knows no dying when the body dies. This is the real city of Brahman; this is the self, free from old age, from death and grief, hunger and thirst. In the self all desires are fulfilled.
 Life is a beautiful gift. Once we respect it, we find peace. Since at any time one has to perform his/her duty, there is no time that we will ever feel that life is drudgery. So always be positive!
Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 43

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 14, 2017)
Dwell, O Mind, Within Yourself
Dwell, O mind, within yourself;
Enter no other’s home.
If you but seek there, you will find
All you are searching for.
God, the true Philosopher’s Stone,
Who answers every prayer,
Lies hidden deep within your heart,
The richest gem of all.
How many pearls and precious stones
Are scattered all about
The outer court that lies before
The chamber of your heart!
One of the greatest saints of all times. His teaching touched Swami Vivekanda’s heart and made him what he was-a soul to be revered at all times to come.
The Bhagavad Gita was the guide both for the teacher and the taught.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 13, 2017)
Those who see all creatures in themselves
And themselves in all creatures know no fear.
Those who see all creatures in themselves
And themselves in all creatures know no grief.
How can the multiplicity of life
Delude the one who sees its unity?
The self is everywhere. Bright is the self,
Indivisible, untouched by sin, wise,
Immanent and transcendent. He it is
Who holds the cosmos together.
In dark night live those
For whom the world without alone is real;
In night darker still, for whom the world within
Alone is real. The first leads to a life
Of action, the second of meditation.
But those who combine action with meditation
Go across the sea of death through action
And enter into immortality
Though the practice of meditation.
So have we heard from the wise.
The Bhagavad Gita teaches the core thought The Isha Upnishad with the help of a simple dialogue between the teacher and the taught.
Please share this post with your friends for greater awareness, should you like it. Thanks.

The Bhagavad Gita Talks 42

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thought4TheDay (Dec. 12, 2017)
A Garden beyond Paradise
Everything you see has its roots
in the Unseen world.
The forms may change,
yet the essence remains the same.
Every wondrous sight will vanish,
Every sweet word will fade.
But do not be disheartened,
The Source they come from is eternal-
Growing, branching out,
Giving new life and new joy.
The Source is full,
Its waters are ever-flowing;
Do not grieve,
Drink your fill!
Don’t think it will ever run dry-
This is the endless Ocean!
The presence of Almighty in all things is a good cause for human optimism. Unflinching faith and carrying on one’s duty is the only salvation. It gives us the best reason to celebrate life!

Thuoght4TheDay (Dec. 11, 2017)
Let Me Walk in Beauty
O Great Spirit,
whose voice I hear in the winds
and whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me.
I am small and weak.
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty
and let my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
and my ears grow sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have hidden
in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength not to be greater than my brother or sister
but to fight my greater enemy, myself.
Make me always ready
to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes
So when life fades as the fading sunset
my spirit may come to you without shame.
Your biggest enemy is within; not other people, but you, your own self. It assumes various forms: poor habits, which hinder progress; negative emotions, which make life miserable and low self-esteem due to which you rate yourself inferior to others. We don’t respect ourselves. How would others respect us in this situation? All we need to do is to identify these demons before we set out to find a remedy. Like all significant achievements, it’s not easy and yet with consistent efforts and patience success is realized. In the complicated life we have today, role of a mentor cannot and should not be undermined. Let each one of us find a mentor, not necessarily a Guru.
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The Bhagavad Gita Talks 41

The Bhagavad Gita is the ultimate book of knowledge and is duly recognized as such throughout the world. Its wisdom transcends the limits of time and space. I publish daily one message from the book which can be related to our daily life titled: Thought4TheDay
These are widely read and highly appreciated by my connections on LinkedIn, friends on Facebook and followers on twitter totally about 27000 people. As recommended by some friends, I am posting the same here. You may ask questions and/or post your comments which be appreciated. Hope you will find the initiative very rewarding.

Thuoght4TheDay (Dec. 9, 2017)
Wisdom is not the prerogative of the highly qualified or the well-known. Ravidas was a cobbler, yet his understanding of life speaks loudly through his words. The most important aspect of an individual’s life is his/her ability to contemplate on any subject, make a considered opinion and express. Expression requires both a strong desire to communicate and develop a coordination between the mind and speech. Yet, ‘many a flowers bloom unseen till these wither away’.
It’s for our society to create as many opportunities for the ‘budding flowers, to be recognized as possible.
Following are the words of Ravidas.
“Grieve Not is the name of my town.
Pain and fear cannot enter there,
Free from possessions, free from life’s taxes,
Free from fear of disease and death.
After much wandering I am come back home
Where turns not the wheel of time and change,
And my Emperor rules, without a second or third,
In Abadan, filled with love and wisdom.
The citizens are rich in the wealth of the heart,
And they live ever free in the City of God.
Listen to Ravidas, just a cobbler:
“All who live here are my true friends.”

Thuoght4TheDay (Dec. 8, 2017)
Break into the peace within,
Hold attention in stillness,
And in the world outside
You will ably master the ten thousand things.
Knowing who you are, you will find the constant.
Those who lack harmony with the constant, court danger,
But those who have it, gain new vision.
They act with compassion;
Within themselves, they can find room for everything.
Having room, they rule themselves and lead others wisely.
Being wise, they live in accordance
With the nature of things.
Emptied of self and one with nature,
They become filled with the Tao.
The Tao endures forever.
For those who have attained harmony with the Tao
Will never lose it,
Even if their bodies die.
Tao gives humanity a great philosophy of life. Follower does good things, but he does not claim that ‘he has done it’. The core principle of Tao is acceptance without judgment. Doing ‘good’ is its own reward. Tao is like a low water. Tao is nature; the way all that behave. Nothing can live without each other.
In short, Tao is total interdependence on each other. The more liberty you give the better order you’ll have. Four basic principles need to be followed to have a happy life. These are:
i) Gentleness
ii) Natural sincerity
iii) Reverence for all life
iv) Supportiveness
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