Why remain in mediocrity when you can excel?

How to become efficient and effective in work? And in life, as well? These are two foremost questions.
In today’s competitive world, the word “Personal Effectiveness” has got an immense importance, and why not? Today’s work environment is very demanding and to be successful means grooming yourself and honing with the skill of being effective. Personal effectiveness is not restricted to the corporate environment. Productivity is important and can be applied well to all other walks of life. May be also the be kitchen work , gym work out or anything else carried out by you.
What is this technique and how to imbibe it?
Well, let us discuss in detail what is personal effectiveness after all?

Doing the right things and doing these right.
Peter Drucker said: “Efficiency is doing things right, Effectiveness is doing the right things”.

Self-explanatory as it is personal effectiveness of a person can be calculated by two parameters. It not only measures the result against time but also gauges the quality of work. Quality and quantity, both are important. Thus, effective people are those who can achieve more quality work in less time. While doing so they are not stressed, or confused as if they are working under pressure. Neither do they lose their physical health nor do they lose their mental or emotional one. These people are consistent and deliver results constantly.

Andre Maurois says “The effectiveness of work increases according to geometric Progression, if there are no interruptions”.
So let us take a look at how do you achieve personal effectiveness. Personal effectiveness is the art which helps in self-development. You need to observe and practice the seven important rules to achieve the same. Ask yourself these questions:     

How to increase Personal Productivity?

How to increase Personal Productivity at work?

How to improve Personal Productivity?

How to increase my Personal Productivity?

And at night write down your assessment on all the above questions how you handled these during the day in your journal.

Before you start your work keep in mind the following questions:

a) How to start a good routine?

b) How to start a good day?

c) How to start your day with positive vibes?

Thoroughly understand what you want to do, and do it in a relaxed manner.
When you start doing a certain work do start in haste, it’s not so good. Well begun is half done. Isn’t it? And that is why it is required to thoroughly understand the task which you are supposed to begin. Read through or just mind walk through the process. You may encounter some grey areas which can be dealt with by exploring more from the umpteen books and also the internet. Information can be extracted from various sources if not available readily! Isn’t this process more sensible than starting the project in a hurry and then stumbling across something which you are clueless about? This is one of the principles to work your way straight to personal effectiveness. It reduces the time in which the work is done and also improves the quality of the work.

Focus on your work. In order or develop your focus, keep following in mind.

a) What should I do for increasing focus?

b) How to focus better at work?

c) How do I increase concentration during study?

It is easier said than done! But you need to starve all the distractions that come in your way and you need to feed your focus. The art lies in not digressing from the objective in any way. Focus means to continuously put your attention on something and forget the rest of the world. When handling something of critical importance, lock yourself in where no one can disturb you. Once you start on focusing on what you want to achieve, every other stuff should appear meaningless. Focus empowers and teaches you a lot. If you love your job, this love will add to your focus. One has to decide to be focused until it becomes a habit. And eventually the end result is qualitative work in less time.

Self-belief:  It gives you immense power to work with a positive mind. Always keep in view the following:

a) Difference between confidence and belief?

b) How to motivate yourself to be confident?

c) Building self-belief is a continuous process.

d) What is the difference between confidence, over confidence and self-belief?

Undeterred faith in yourself is a sure way to personal effectiveness. Unless you believe in yourself how can you make the world believe you. Doubtful mindset spoils the results. You should have a constant strong belief in yourself and your capabilities. Best possible results often are delivered when you keep reinforcing that YOU CAN DO IT!

Expect the unexpected
Life is never a straight line. Everyone has their own ups and downs. All of us have roughs and crests. But the art to lead personally effective life is to be least disrupted due to unexpected events. You can have a plan. But rarely do plans get executed in the same way as planned. You should be proactive enough to foresee any interrupting event and should have an alternative plan which would work without any hassles. Personally effective people are prepared to handle any situation with great ease.

Application of mind is always necessary. Never keep on doing something as a matter of routine without thinking. Routine also will improve with application of mind. Check the following:

a) Habit of mind curriculum.

b) Habit of mind chart.

c) Why are habits of mind important?

d) How is mindfulness while thinking?

e) How do I make mindfulness habit?

Mind is the biggest weapon. Human beings are armed with it and must use it for improving on the battle of being competitive. Many great feats are best performed when mind is applied to those. Never take for granted even small objectives. Once you apply mind to a particular problem, you will definitely find a solution. The more you apply your mind to something that you love it becomes more effective.

Put your mind and soul into the work. Keep the following in mind and observe the difference.

a) When you put your heart and soul into your work?

b) What puts your mind at ease?

c) ‘Put your heart and soul into everything you do’: Bible verse.

When you dedicate totally and put your mind and soul into an objective, you start enjoying the work. When you do the same you leverage on opportunities .The lessons learnt through various experiences in life could also be put to use to be personally effective.

Stretch yourself to the extent, you can. Even physically stretch and find it is helpful. Keep in mind the following:

a) Stretch before work.

b) The importance of stretching when working.

C) Benefits of stretching at work.

Nothing worthwhile can be achieved by shortcuts. You should be eager to move an extra mile then only better things can happen.
It is often said that “if you wish to achieve something you haven’t you need to do something you have not!” That is where you can get different results by putting yourself to a task little more than yesterday. Your objective should not be competing with others, but improving your own self. Continuously improving the work that you do and following the other

Thanks for reading.

Retaining English As The Common Language Or Replace It By Hindi? Pros & Cons!

A lot has been said in favour of teaching English from the first standard itself. Many states including Maharashtra have introduced English from the first grade even in government / municipal schools.
Our professional colleges like Engineering, Medical and other higher technical education colleges have English as medium of instruction. In spite of that, often the students are not able to express themselves in English confidently.
The principle of a leading college of Architecture told me recently  “Our students are excellent so far as the subject of architecture is concerned. They have great imagination. They can create excellent architectural designs. But the only problem is that they are not able to express themselves in English.”
In architecture, engineering, medicine or any other discipline of higher education most books available are only in the English language. Besides, the technical terms used in these subjects are also in English.  Therefore the knowledge and the ability to express in English becomes necessary for all students of higher education.

Furthermore, with the coming of more and more FMCG Companies in India, the use of this language is increasing by the day. This has added to the difficulties of the employees, particularly in executive cadre. Those who cannot express themselves in English fluently and clearly are at a great disadvantage.  They are good in domain knowledge and they are adept in performing their duties, yet the inadequacy of English hurts them hard.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


Keeps Your Brain Sharp

Learning any language keeps your brain active and challenged. In fact, Your brain changes electrical activity and size when learning a new language. No matter what age you start at, there are benefits for learning a new language. When you decide to learn English, you give yourself an extra rigorous workout due to its complicated nature. 

Make More Money

The world may not have a global language, but English is the default option for countless forms of communication across the globe. That’s why one of the benefits of learning English is that it significantly boosts your hiring potential.

One of the Best Languages to Learn For Travel

If you think English can only take you to places like the U.S., U.K., and Canada, we’ve got some great news: There are over 50 English-speaking countries around the world. And that doesn’t count for all over the world. In many cities, particularly in Europe, English is almost an unofficial second language where expats and tourists make up a significant portion of the community. 

Helps You Get Into Great Schools  

Like job applications, one of the best benefits of learning English is the educational opportunities. If you desire access to some of the best schools like Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge or MIT, then knowing English provides you an incredible edge. It’s expected that around 2 billion people around the world will learn English over the next decade.

Enjoy Classic Literature and Films in Native Language

Over the past few centuries, many of the world’s classic works of film and literature were created in English. While you can gain access to translated copies, something always tends to feel “off” about the final product. The same can be said for classic works translated into English. These sorts of botched translations make it difficult to appreciate some of the great works of English-speaking artists from Shakespeare to Stephen King. From Hitchcock to Scorsese, to truly feel a great work of film or literature it’s best to experience it in its native language.

Immigration Benefits

If you don’t Speak English, it could cause you to have a significant disadvantage. In the United States, to become a citizen,You must pass an English test. However, it isn’t just getting into the country where English is beneficial.

So what is the solution? Should most of the work be done in Hindi which is our Rashtra Bhasha? Should all higher education books be translated into Hindi? Or should English training be imparted to one and all as our National Mission. Commercial organizations in this case can organize English speaking training as a part of their efficiency promotional effort.


There should be 3 language formula for a vast country with so many language like ours. Mother tongue or the language of the state should be compulsory. Likewise, English should also be taught  form grade One . The student should be asked to choose one more Language which could be any other Indian language ( From the list of Indian languages) Which could also be Hindi. It is likely that most people would choose Hindi there should be no imposition of Hindi . Rather it can be promoted as all languages of the country should be promotes

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